Home Focus Orbán on Fox News: Immigration to Hungary is not a human right

Orbán on Fox News: Immigration to Hungary is not a human right

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Fox News reporter Tucker Carlson · Photo: Vivien Cher Benko

“Immigration to Hungary is not a human right. never. This is our country. It is a nation, a community, a family, with its own history, language and traditions,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told Fox News reporter Tucker Carlson in an exclusive interview.

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, one of Europe’s most prominent right-wing politicians, recently replicated statements by US President Joe Biden during his 2020 campaign tour in which Biden lumped him together with autocratic leaders such as Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and North Korean President Kim Jong-un.

Biden had also accused former US President Donald Trump in 2020 of being friends with “all the gangsters in the world”.

“You see what is happening in Belarus, in Poland and Hungary. Totalitarian regimes are on the rise in the world. Our current president supports gangsters around the world,” Biden said.

Viktor Orban was the first European leader to endorse Trump’s re-election. Trump, in turn, praised the Hungarian prime minister’s policies on border security and counterterrorism, as well as his efforts to protect and support Christian communities around the world.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News, Orbán said Biden doesn’t speak Hungarian and therefore can’t really know Hungary and understand the problems at stake when he makes remarks like the one that a “totalitarian regime” is emerging in Hungary.

“Someone who does not speak our language and has only a very limited knowledge of Hungary cannot, of course, understand the situation of Hungarians, but even then this sarcastic remark is not justified. You know, this statement is in itself a personal insult to all Hungarians,” the prime minister said.

He added that they did not want to destroy bilateral relations between the United States and Hungary, which were “fundamentally very good.”

“Apart from politics, everything is fine. The problem is, when liberals are in power in Washington, we have to deal with it because we see good U.S.-Hungarian relations as a value, even if Americans don’t see it the way they used to,” Orbán said.

Orbán also addressed the more general political problem that left-wing politicians like Biden cannot imagine a nationalist or conservative alternative ideology.

“Western liberals cannot accept that there is a conservative national alternative within Western civilization that is more successful in everyday life. That is why they criticise us. They are fighting for themselves, not against us. But we are setting an example that a country based on traditional values, national identity and the tradition of Christianity can succeed – sometimes more successfully than a left-liberal government,” Orbán stressed.

Orbán continued: “Biden and the Democratic Party cannot accept hungary’s success in defending its borders with Serbia and Croatia. Contrary to the Democrats’ claims, defending the homeland and securing borders has nothing to do with hatred or xenophobia.”

“National sovereignty comes from God and nature. It all starts with us. It is our country. It’s our people. It is our history, our language. We need to strengthen our borders,” Orbán said, adding that no one can say this is a beautiful country that I would like to come to and live here because life here is better. Immigration to Hungary is not a human right. It is not a human right. This is our country. Hungary is a nation, a community, a family, with its own history, language and tradition.”

“If someone crosses the Hungarian border without the permission of the Hungarian state, we must defend ourselves and stop him. We must protect our own people from any danger.”

“There is no basic human right that guarantees that anyone can enter the country.”

Orbán said that during the migrant crisis, several European countries decided to open a new chapter in their history, which he called a “new society.” The Prime Minister added that it is a post-Christian and post-national society in which different communities mix, and it is not known what the consequences will be.

“I think this is an extremely dangerous thing, and every nation has the right to accept or reject this danger. We Hungarians have decided not to risk the confusion in our society,” Orbán said.

The Prime Minister added that Hungary is under attack because of this decision, which is also the reason for its poor personal image. “I am being treated like a black sheep in the European Union,” he said.

Asked what the consequences of taking in migrants would be for Germany, Viktor Orbán said: “Diplomacy demands that you remain moderate, but it was the decision of the Germans. They took the risk and got what they deserved.” However, he stressed that he insisted that Hungarians could decide for themselves on the issue of migration.

Orbán also said that the Liberals had a problem with the success of the Central European states.

“We are in the process of building an economically, politically, culturally and even demographically successful society.”

– he said. He added that the Central European states had achieved their success in a completely different way than the Western countries expected of them.

“Western liberals cannot accept that there is a national-conservative alternative that is more successful in everyday life than the liberal view. That’s why they criticize us,” he said.

On the US left’s support for an opposition alliance in hungary’s spring elections, the prime minister said he could not have imagined years ago that “former communist political forces and the anti-Semitic right would form a coalition and run together in the elections.” Orbán said he was surprised that the international community had “accepted this so easily,” and he was particularly surprised by the attitude of the United States, which was an entirely new experience.

Asked if he was not concerned about possible international interference in the Hungarian elections, the minister-president said: “We are not worried because we are prepared for it. Of course, the international left will do everything possible to bring about a change of government in Hungary, but we are aware of this and we are prepared for it. We know how to pick up the gauntlet and how to fight back.”

Tucker Carlson spent several days in Hungary. The presenter, who has been attacked by the liberal press in recent days for his visit to Hungary, will take part in the talent promotion event MCC Fest – Giving Talent a Voice by Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) in Esztergom on 7 August and will give a lecture there and shoot a documentary about Hungary with his team. Carlson will be reporting from the Hungarian capital on Fox News throughout the week.

Source: Magyar Nemzet

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