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Monday, February 17, 2025

Robert Golob’s government is breaking infamous records: the price of bread in Slovenia is above the EU average, food is more expensive than ever before

By: Jo. Bi.

Bread, vegetables, meat, or food is more expensive than ever before, Eurostat, the European Statistical Office, announced today. The price of bread in particular went up; in Slovenia it is above the European Union’s average.

In August 2022, the price of bread in the EU was on average 18 percent higher than in August 2021. This is an extraordinary increase in the price of bread, which was only three percent higher on average in August 2021 compared to August 2020.

In some countries, price growth is very high. The highest average rate of change in bread prices was recorded in Hungary (66 percent), followed by Lithuania (33 percent) and Estonia and Slovakia (both 32 percent). With 18.8% inflation, Slovenia is above the EU average.

Meanwhile, the lowest average rate of change in bread prices was recorded in France (8 percent), the Netherlands and Luxembourg (both countries 10 percent).


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