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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Herman Tertsch: “There is a permanent campaign against Hungary and Poland and now Slovenia.”

By José Antonio Ruiz de la Hermosa and Álvaro Peñas

Herman Tertsch is a member of a Spanish party VOX, and a Member of the European Parliament.  In a radio interview he discussed with the hosts José Antonio Ruiz de la Hermosa and Álvaro Peñas the current state of the EU, and other current issues on the Radio Ya.

VOX has four MEPs who are very active and face some very complicated situations. Just as VOX is being attacked here in the Spanish Parliament, there are also attacks in Europe…

It is different, in the European Parliament there is a more respectful relationship. It’s not like the bad political relations we have in Spain and Madrid. We’ve seen it in Vallecas. It’s criminal and we’re already in a phase where some people are looking for a dead man. In Europe we have a frightening majority, the Social Democrat majority, in which, of course, I include the European People’s Party, which is frightened because it is seeing its omnipotence and omnipresence, which occupied virtually the entire parliamentary arc from the Communists to the PPE and accounted for 85-90% of the European Parliament, is over. It was a kind of roller consensus in which there was no discussion. Suddenly, troubles have started everywhere, but mostly in one place. In all nations in Europe, there is a reaction, a reaction to a European drift that no one wanted, that the founders did not want, but only wanted by the elites. Elites who are leading Europe down a path that leads us to a kind of apparatus that has nothing to do with democracy, not with responsible politicians, or with the sovereignty of peoples to have at least something to say about their own destiny.

Decisions are made elsewhere. It is not decided in national parliaments or in the European Parliament. These things are done with treacherousness and a will of deception. The case of vaccines is very clear. But not only the case of vaccines, but we also have a lot of decisions like that. Right now, the obscene investment agreement with China, which goes directly against the interests of European security. It is a decision that Xi Jinping and Merkel have made with Mr. Macron as a guest. And Ursula von der Leyen, as Mrs. Merkel’s obedient maid, deigned to communicate to the other 26 countries that they are going to sign an investment agreement with China that will brutally incentivize relocation in these European countries to even take agriculture to China. When right now we have seen that by survival, for security, by common sense, what we have to do is bring from China many of the things that were taken there in the last 30 years, because we have seen that our security depends on us having those resources near or even within our countries and not having them captured by an aggressor, because that’s what China is right now.

A China applauded by the globalists…

When Nixon went to China 45 years ago to see Deng Xiaoping, everyone thought that by opening up trade, opening up the economy, China was going to reform, and for capitalism it was going to address democracy. It has been shown to be quite the opposite that the dictatorship is more beastly at this time than before Tian Na Meng and that xi Jinping has achieved greater toughness and brutality in what they are doing with Uighurs in Western China and with dissidents, or the repression in Hong Kong. The Chinese have violated all transition transfer agreements and are detaining people. Communist political police are making barbarities, kidnapping people, taking them to China. They’re threatening Taiwan. The invasion of Taiwan can be a matter of months.

And then they’ve dropped a virus that I don’t know if they’ve done it in a lab, but it showed up next to a lab. And regardless of how it emerged, concealment for months with the help of WHO, which is a puppet from China like so many multilateral organizations, allowed it to expand across the globe. The whole planet is paralyzed, except China. China is growing. China is strengthened and is using this immense advantage it has to scare, to penetrate, to buy. Especially buying bargain-priced stuff everywhere in prostrate and sunk economies thanks to the bug they released. And the European Union, because Germany sells more cars in China than in the rest of the world, overnight tells us that we have a wonderful investment agreement with China. That’s how the European Union is working right now and that can’t be the case.

The same thing happened with vaccines. There were three or four countries that agreed by governments to get the vaccines. They made contracts that we haven’t seen, because the contracts that were taught are partial contracts, with whole paragraphs crossed out. And that agreement was imposed on everyone else and it was a failure, because they have been defrauded, because there has been no control, because there has been nothing. Only those outside the European Union, countries as disparate as Serbia or the United Kingdom, or Israel or Chile, have vaccinated well. The members of the European Union have done the worst. And that must lead to a reflection of all that idiocy of the litany of “More Europe”. Is Europe the solution to all problems? No. The solutions are Spanish. We have to look for sovereign solutions in a lot of things. There are things that are done in cooperation in Europe between sovereign countries. What is not done is a club where all the sovereignty is given free and at cost, so that other countries decide in the end.

In short, you are saying that United Kingdom has done very well to leave…

Brexit is a very rational decision against the whole campaign which, with a lot of money from the European Union and from the single mind-set, has accused them of being reactionary, crazy, or deceived. The British have made a decision and carried it out of respect for their own decisions, which honors the British and shows that although they have many flaws, they respect themselves very much.

But they’re not the only ones…

In Europe there are many united kingdoms within the European Union because the UK is gone, but its position has been filled by other Eurosceptics. There are ten countries called frugal, such as Austria, Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark and others, that believe that this cannot go on, because it cannot be that Germany has for political reasons the money of savers from all over northern Europe to make their games with Italy, Spain and France, of course. And that’s something that won’t work in the long run and they’re already taking reserve positions. Ten countries without which nothing works, which are the frugal ones, the medium-sized ones, but which have clearly turned against Merkel. Merkel plays with European Union policies and has taken over the European Union as if they were puppets. And of course, the Germans too.

And shouldn’t it be the European Parliament that stops it? Not the Netherlands or other countries, the European Parliament, or it is useless…

The European Parliament is for what it is for and serves many things that are mostly not good. It serves above all to impose a burden of ideological radicality on what European legislation is. That’s very serious. The European Parliament does not legislate motu proprio. That comes from the Commission. Political degradation in Europe is a fact and radicalization of the left, environmentalism and all messages of national fractionations, that is, all that is the social democratic offensive against nations and against sovereignty.

A Europe of the regions?

Not even that. A Europe of tribes, of new tribes such as LGBT. All these groups impose a dynamic in the commissions, initiated by the radicals, but the large majority parties, those of the social-democratic consensus, never resist the radical message because they are afraid of the mechanisms of coercion by radical groups through the media. It is an absolute perversion of democracy. All supposedly moderate parties calling for moderate or right-wing votes, including the Christian Democratic vote, when it comes to truth, in the face of the threat of media that will punish them for resisting radical, ecological or gender-based or whatever, bend and end up including their message in that drift to the left and to ideological toxicity. Today the atmosphere in some commissions is absolutely unbreathable. The contempt with which radical minorities end up imposing themselves on majorities in commissions where laws, limitations and regulations that get into the lives of people or families are made. They do so continuously because it is the justification for the existence of a bureaucracy that is growing more and more, that buys buildings in Brussels non-stop because it needs more translators for more commissions, for more departments, for more observers of new laws that in turn need new controllers.

And you don’t think that’s going to end up destroying the European Union? 

All this destroys the European Union if we do not redirect the European Union, if we do not empty that monstrous casing of total interference in everyone’s lives of power. And let’s go back to a European Union like the one the founders wanted, a union where subsidiarity really makes sense, that is, what doesn’t make sense is that Danish environmentalists are imposing on us the production in Extremadura and the limitations on forests in Cuenca.

It is the fault of national governments and we see what happens to Hungary for dealing with these measures…

It is that courageous governments that respond with national policies encounter all the machinery that wants to crush them with threats and extortion. With Orbán and Poland to some extent, they have encountered very strong peoples who have already suffered greatly, who have historical memory, and who defend themselves against any kind of interference because they have a special historical sensibility and leaders who endure. Many peoples can be frightened, they punish their leader to vote for the most pro-Brussels in the upcoming elections, and in exchange for crumbs, they accept LGBT classes for 6-year-olds and all those things they want. But if Orbán says that in his schools there are no LGBT classes, they try to take away the funds that correspond to him by law, that is, skipping the laws of the European Union itself. There is a permanent campaign against Hungary and Poland and now Slovenia, against its president Janša, which I have known since before the Yugoslavian war and who was a very brave journalist who ran Mladina magazine, and who ended up in prison.

At the trial of the four?

Yes, they were tried in a military court. He had the courage to publish things in the Yugoslavia created by Titus. Then he was minister of defense during the war and he has been many other things. He is very close to Orbán and is another who has refused to accept what they are imposing.

Do you think that reaction movement is going to keep growing?

It’s growing non-stop. We have received shows of solidarity for the events of Vallecas and they come from all over Europe. In Sweden, the Swedish Democrats are the second party and are very close to becoming the first.

With regard to Sweden, a Swedish government agency has included the Swedish Democrats and alternative media on the list of terrorist threats, at virtually the same level as jihadists…

That’s fear. It is that they are frightened because they know that the next European Parliament probably already has a majority that does not serve them. And especially if there is a unity on the right, to the right of the EPP that is lost as a social democrat party and could dissolve. There are people in the EPP like Janša and others who can follow Orbán, and go towards a unification of ECR and ID and create a great party on the democratic right.

Is VOX interested in that group?

We are very interested in that group occurring.

The Budapest meeting has been a success…

Yes, the meeting between Salvini, Orbán and Morawiecki has been a success and we will continue. It is difficult to unite the two groups, there are very considerable differences, national and historical differences as well, as in the relationship with Russia. The position of the Poles is not the same as that of the French, for example. There’s a lot of hardship and it’s not going to happen overnight. But if there is a movement of national parties that is going to make the EPP, the remnants of the EPP, really go with Renew, with the Liberals, with what is left of Ciudadanos, with such parties, and organize that centrist party that normally always votes with the Socialists. The European People’s Party votes 70% of the time the same as the Socialists in the European Parliament and shows many divergences. The EPP votes often very divided as far as there are questions of values. Mr. González Pons is a social democrat, the cheesiest of all, but then there are conservative people and with values like among the remains of French Republicans.

There may also be changes for the elections in Germany in September and Merkel’s march. The CDU and SPD are almost the same and there is no difference between the two parties, but the SPD seeks to differentiate itself by going left, to radical left, trying to gain ground for Die Linke. And then there’s Alternative for Germany (AfD), a party they’re subjecting to absolutely unheard of harassment, with all the means dedicated to continually defaming it and chasing people. That is, there is a civilian cost to anyone in Germany who declares himself in support of a national policy. And that’s Merkel’s fault and SPD’s fault, they’ve done a media homogeneity of harassment that’s brutal. Just hearing the media homogeneity in Germany is to tremble, because there is only one possible comparison, the one that was lived with the Nazis that dictated what the press said.

The problem is the money with which the media is subsidized…

Of course, and so they get all the covers of all journalists to tell lies and hide all the truths, in exchange for money. Like that unique cover of what happened in Vallecas which is the absolute shame of Spanish journalism for a long time.

Source: Radio Ya


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