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Hundreds of thousands demonstrate against more liberal abortion law in Spain


A large-scale demonstration, organized by more than 200 civil society associations, took place in Madrid on Sunday 26 June under the slogan “We are risking our lives” to protest against the new abortion law which will allow abortion from the age of 16 without the consent of the community parents allowed. Under the motto “End the laws against the truth and human nature”, the large-scale demonstration, in which between 20,000 and 100,000 people took part, depending on the source, began at 12 noon at the Glorieta de Bilbao and ended at the Plaza de Colón. There, an imposing stage gave the performances and speeches of great personalities the finishing touch. The sun was beating down on us almost vertically after the sky was cloudless.

Jaime Mayor Oreja, Member and Promoter of NEOS, Carmen Fernández de la Cigoña, Director of the CEU Institute for Family Studies and member of the ACdP, Josep Miró, Coordinator of the Assembly of Associations for Life, Freedom and Dignity, Juan Carlos Corvera, President of Educatio Servanda, and María San Gil, Vice-President of the Villacisneros Foundation and member of NEOS, attended the event alongside other representatives of pro-life associations. San Gil pointed out that “the US Supreme Court ruling is a glimmer of hope that this is also possible in Spain”. Much criticism of the government has exposed the series of processes it is perpetuating for the purpose of disruption and social transformation, the most serious process being

Jaime Mayor Oreja explained that they took to the streets this Sunday to say: “Enough with so many laws that destroy human nature”. He also stressed that “the culture of life is more alive than ever” and that “the US Supreme Court ruling is an element of hope.” The predictions of this great man who is always right are to be emphasized. And all in the face of a government that punishes life and dictates the “culture” of death.

It was a non-political demonstration, although some members of political formations could be seen freely and individually. “I think it’s always important to support the causes of the most vulnerable and stand up for the right to life in the face of a government that is committed to the culture of death in every way. I prefer to be with society to defend those who are not being defended by anyone at the moment,” Abascal told Europa Press while attending the march and taking photos with the participants, who began to tell him ” President, President.” A detail not noticed by the others, who were immense.

Other Vox members also took part in the mass demonstration, such as Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, Rocío Monasterio and Jorge Buxadé. Thousands of families, children and the elderly, dozens of priests and nuns, and Bishop Emeritus of El Callao (Peru), Spaniard José Luis del Palacio also attended. A motley crew of normal people who see the outrages being introduced by government legislation. The central theme was the rejection of laws contrary to truth and human nature. The qualification that abortion is a crime and that it destroys the most important cell of society, the family.

This article first appeared on EL CORREO DE ESPANA , our partner in EUROPEAN MEDIA COOPERATION.


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