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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Kordiš’s field – Sukič’s table

By: Mojca Škrinjar

The past week has been tumultuous. A stranger pushed the director of the March 8th Institute away and yelled at her and her dog. She and her friend ran away. An extremely despicable act, in broad daylight in Ljubljana, in a country that last year was recognised as the fifth safest country in the world. Statistics last year clearly did not detect the culture of tying girls to radiators and drugging and raping them by recipients of state funds for culture.

Director Nika Kovač, thank God, was not seriously harmed, as evidenced by the photo taken in the cafe, where the injured woman is probably waiting her turn in the emergency room with an amateurishly placed immobilisation scarf over her dark coat. Which, of course, is no excuse for an awful act, although many felt that it was an acted story with which they wanted to overshadow a much worse one. The Prime Minister himself contributed to the deterioration of security in our country, who commented on the smooth victory of Dr Anže Logar, saying that they (who, Gibanje Svoboda party, the coalition, the Government, his majesty himself?) will not allow someone from the SDS party to enter the presidential palace.

Because we do not have a very precise insight into all the pieces of work of Kim il Sung, the leader of the North Korean dictatorship. We can easily attribute such an attitude to him, the words of Dr Golob can best be compared to the Hitler regime towards the Jews. They were also not allowed to even dream of any participation in politics, the socialists broke up their shops (the parliament was also broken up by leftists in our country, September 16th, 2021), in the end they had to wear yellow stars on their clothes, they took all their property and killed them and burned in the camps. Just like our socialists in 1945, except they did not have such sophisticated gas technology and took an easier route, they were thrown into a mine and burned alive. Basically, the German socialists were milder. They used to put people to sleep.

Since the prime minister was probably told, one would say, that with somewhat autistic signs of a complete absence of self-criticism, he cannot do it himself, that his statement was exaggerated, the scandal of the first kind had to be covered with a high-profile story. (Golob’s) luck in (Nika’s) misfortune. Which, of course, does not apply to SDS MP Grims, who was pushed down the stairs a few days later when he went to the garage. This could have resulted in death from the fall. Even those who, for I do not know what kind of salary, daily bark at MPs, who only lack a yellow star on their clothes, are not included in the security assessment in 2021. Their cultural performance, barking and now pushing them down the stairs, belongs to a wider cultural project, the reading of the constitution on the Republic Square with toilet poetry inserts and the throwing of granite cubes and fire torches into the parliament. Which, of course, is a significantly more invaluable cultural contribution than one independence museum, which the Minister of Culture announced to abolish without visible international scientific references.

Just like Kordiš’s workers, whom he constantly talks about, but in practice he does not know how to take care of them, because as a farmer-employer he is not able to employ a single one, the workers who earned money for the construction of the parliamentary building at Šubičeva Street 4 are merely tools for verbal braiding, but really lefties do not care about them. Because if they had a little respect for work and workers, they would never have damaged the parliament building and destroyed the benches behind which sit those who were put there even by the tired hands who contributed with taxes to have a place to put a computer. But whoever points out the animalistic attitude towards things and people is immediately condemned. MP Sukič immediately condemned the SDS MPs that they were taking pictures of her computer even though they, during the interruption of the session, in full view of everyone and knowing full well that the cameras are turned on in the hall 24 hours a day, walked up to the place where she is sitting and photographed the injuries made by the Levica MPs in the previous meeting when they smashed the tables during the discussion.

Although, as can be seen from the video, it was switched off, and the angle of the mobile phone showed that the camera was not aimed at it. And of course, she and the media screamers covered up the sad fact with a lie that these screamers were screaming only for Nika Kovač and did not care if Grims dies. Both of them, Kordiš and Sukič, along with the screamers and the entire Levica party, only prove something. That they have no relation to culture, no relation to work and workers, that labour is just a verbal tool for them. I would not be surprised to see them in villas, dachas, and Rolls-Royces in ten years. Bluffers.


In the end, as someone said on social networks, the national Gestapo awaits us. A coordinator to prosecute hate speech. Presumably this column will already have the privilege of the first instance. To make it easier for you, the first man of the national prosecutor: I also consider you a bluffer.


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