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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

We will be redeemed by conservative women

By Aleksander Rant

We seem to have reached a stage where society is ruled by unelected wealthy elites, and their will is carried out by enraged feminists, adherents of LGBT ideology, anarchist bullies, and idle youths. Men who in the past were a symbol of strength and stability no longer exist. There is a class of spoiled boys who dare not even tread on ants, and adult men who accept the givenness of society as it is because opposing the current flow would do them too much personal harm.

Such is the case with most left-wing Western European politicians who, although they see the violence of migrants and members of Antifa and the complete fallacy of the theory of gender and the psychological trauma it causes, remain silent. But self-proclaimed right-wing politicians are also silent because they are part of the political system. And as long as they are part of the system, they are happy with it. The men in power, right or left, clearly do not have the power to steer society back to more natural, conservative patterns.
Rare are those who manage to speak out at their own expense and fight for a more conservative world. The fact is, however, that this world has done less harm to men than women. They have turned men into wimps who are no longer able to defend their homelands. Otherwise, nothing much has changed for us.

For women, who according to the theory of cultural Marxism are supposed to be the main bearers of bloody change, much has changed. Pharmacy has been poisoning their bodies with hormonal contraception for decades. »You will have more beautiful skin,« they tell them, while offering them poison, which causes many women to experience severe mental distress, bleeding, some are »rewarded« with breast tumors and the like. They force them into an abortion, saying that this is the solution to everything. They don’t tell them, however, how a woman’s body and psyche respond to the fact that she just killed her child. Many mothers who have an abortion because it is presented to them as something simple have severe hormonal and psychological trauma after the abortion. Then there are no more abortionists and pharmacists to help them. Women are actively encouraged to pursue a career. Make no mistake, I myself am convinced that both men and women, both husband and wife, both mother and father, must have a career, a job, and share work at home. But careerism requires women to dedicate themselves completely to work. Not to think about family, about children. To never experience the joys of motherhood, to never become mothers. Such careerists then usually become radical feminists and shape the fate of other women who are happier than them.

And the left sold all this to women as a fight for their rights. At the same time, they promote pornography, which is nothing more than the complete objectification of women, and »surrogate« motherhood, in which a woman is just a machine for giving birth to children to other people. The role of women as mothers has changed significantly with the forcing of careerism, hormonal contraception, and the liberalization of abortion. The left is convincing us that for the better. Many women who have been silenced so far, however, say the opposite.

In this morally, sexually, and spiritually depraved age, conservative women began to awaken. Women who have had enough of modern ideology that wants to turn women into repressive machines and men into devoted puppies. Because they see this ideology killing the Western world, Western values, and Western society, and on the other hand, it encourages migration, advocates rape of migrants, and encourages the mixing of races and the subordination of women to a culture in which they have fewer rights than dogs. I am talking about Islam and some African tribal customs, such as the ritual circumcision of girls.

The women who proudly raise their heads today are primarily mothers who love their children. They are wives who live in an orderly and strong relationship with their husbands. They are workers who, in addition to their jobs, also take care of their families without any problems. They are the descendants of women who gave birth to the heroes who built our civilization. And unlike men, these women are not part of the system. They can’t lose anything, they can only gain. And they will be the ones who will also kick their partners and the society around them to stand up and resist the sick ideology of cultural Marxism and gender theory. To resist the transformation of a society in which we are most equal and have the most equal opportunities. The time of conservative women has come, the time has come when female nature will mend the rational world of softened men and bring us back to a world more friendly to the nature of human and his spiritual and physical endowments. The only mistake of the leftists was that they thought they could manipulate women, but unfortunately, as with any leftist ideology, they were wrong this time as well.

Editor-in-Chief of the Nova24TV television program Alexander Rant.


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