6.7 C
Saturday, March 15, 2025

What has been reported in Switzerland and elsewhere


Listened to and co-written by Wilhelm Tell on Internet radio

Afghanistan. Mohammed Yusuf, who was head of the Afghanistan office of Pakistan’s ISI from 1983 to 1987, wrote in his 1992 book “The Bear Trap: Afghanistan’s Untold Story” that funds worth hundreds of millions of dollars were transferred by the CIA to special accounts in Pakistan under the control of the ISI and that all the funds flowed through ISI to Afghan mujahideen. The Taliban (طالبان, “seeker”), who call themselves the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), are an Islamist movement and military organization that conducts war (jihad) within the country. The leader of the Taliban since 2016 is Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada (*1961). In 2021, the Taliban were estimated at 75,000 fighters. The Taliban are taking their fighters out of prison in the current final battle. Gros0e nervousness in diplomatic circles because of the CIA and BND misjudgements. The Taliban are already approaching Kabul. US 3000 Special Forces fly from US Base Kuwait to Kabul Airport, which is guarded by Turkish NATO soldiers. The .af site km.govis still in operation. Also most radio and TV stations. Kabul is a good 300 km² in size and is located at 1800 m above sea level. Officially, 5 million people live in the city. The strategic importance of the city is due to its proximity to the Chaiber Pass, an important link between Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. This connects the capital with Jalalabad (300,000 inhabitants), one of the largest cities in the country. It is located in a mountain basin on the Hindu Kush. The city is connected to the north of the country by the Salang Pass, through which many goods from the Central Asian republics and Russia are transported. The city is supplied with water by the Kabul River SNA.ru ● Already on 15.8. Kabul falls. President Ashraf Ghani (*1949) had already fled to Tashkent (IP) the day before. The US is sending thousands more US soldiers from Kuwait to Kabul Airport. Germany alone flies out almost 2000 employees. Russia has only 100 employees in Kabul. Thousands of Afghans storm the airport and cling to US planes taking off. Shots are fired. There are deaths. The airport will be closed. Aircraft are diverted to Tashkent. Only diplomats are flown out with military aircraft. Taliban declare victory in the presidential palace. Taliban operated from Doha (QT). Taliban reassure Afghans. Turkish and Russian embassies should remain open. Taliban fought with US weapons! The US has “forgotten” tons of weapons in the country. SRF.ch u.a.

Australia. For 1 1/2 years, the borders have been tight due to corona. 35,000 Australians are stuck worldwide. There are hardly any flights and if at all greatly overpriced. Some try to drive more than 10,000 miles home by boat. SFR.ch

Belarus. “Cyberpartisans” reported on their Telegram channel about the shredding of the video database of drones of the Ministry of the Interior. This is the fifth hardening that the “guerrillas” claim: previously, they crocheted databases of the system “Passport” and the State Automobile Inspection (the correctness of the choppings and the relevance of the databases were proven to journalists), databases with calls from the service “102” and a database of violations of law enforcement officers of the Internal Security Service of the Ministry of the Interior (it is impossible to verify the correctness of these ticks). Names, addresses, telephone numbers of police officers were also posted online. They are probably from outside Belarus. SRF.ch ● Belavia Airline plans flights to Kabul. NSA.ru

China donates 800 million doses of vaccine to developing countries. ● Due to corona, China is closing the port of Ningbo-Zhoushan (宁波舟山港), the largest port in the world with a throughput of >1000 million tons, followed by Shanghai, Singapore, other Chinese ports. Port Redland AU in 7th place, Rotterdam (NL) 10th. CRI.cn

Germany. 60 years ago, the construction of the “Wall” began, successive obstacles up to 100 meters wide, which completely enclosed West Berlin from August 13, 1961 to November 9, 1989. This part of the city was completely separated from East Berlin and the rest of the GDR. The total border around West Berlin was part of the inner-German border and was 167.8 km long, of which 45.1 km were formed by the Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall was the most famous symbol of the Cold War and the division of Germany. At least 138 people have died in an operation at the Berlin Wall. ● The German biologist Josef H. Reichholf (*1945) publishes a new book on “Rainforests”. SRF.ch
Regensdorfer Domspatzen get spätzinnen. SWR.de

Haiti. Severe earthquake claims 1500 dead.Violent storms. SRF.ch

Hong Kong. The democracy movement was dissolved. SRF.ch

In Iran, already >2 million Afghans. Refugees. SRF.ch

Indonesia. Despite the attempts of the Netherlands to increase the satisfaction of the population, the independence movement became stronger. After the Japanese occupation in World War II, Indonesia’s independence was declared on August 17, 1945. A bloody period followed, the Indonesian National Revolution, in which many thousands of people died on both sides. On December 27, 1949, the Netherlands recognized the independence of Indonesia and sovereignty was transferred. NPO.nl

Iceland. The new theory suggests that the existence of Iceland — a sunken continent the size of Texas that sank about 10 million years ago — could explain the geological features of the seafloor, as well as the reason why the Earth’s crust beneath Iceland is much thicker than it is supposed to be. In addition, the new theory proposes a new alternative to the existing ideas about the formation of Iceland. “The region that has continental material underneath stretched from Greenland to Scandinavia,” Icelandia lead author and British geologist Gillian Foulger said in an interview. Foulger also explains that the water-filled region of the North Atlantic was also once dry land, part of the supercontinent Angäa 335 to 175 million years ago. According to their estimates, the now sunken continent could have covered up to 600,000 square kilometers of dry land between Greenland and Scandinavia. SRF.ch

Japan. Heavy rain and flooding. CRI.cn

Canada Elections brought forward to 20.9. SRF.ch

Lebanon. Another big explosion in Akkar in the north. SRF.ch

Lithuania. Raimondas Grinevičius demands that according to the constitution, the family must remain the foundation of the state. He therefore rejects the Istanbul Convention, which stands for a diffuse sex life. The convention implements gender ideology and promotes marginalized groups. On 12 March 2012, Turkey became the first country to ratify the Convention, followed by 34 other countries from 2013 to 2021. Turkey became the first country to withned the Convention after having terminated it on 20 March 2021. There are also reservations in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Poland. Critics also believe that the principle of gender equality in the treaty promotes perversity. After the Vilnius City Council revoked all previously agreed permits for gatherings, the organizers of the “Great Family Defense March” announce that they are preparing for the September 10 protest, in which about 7,000 people will participate. The initiators of the rally do not promise to coordinate the approval of the event with the municipality for the second time. SRF.ch

Mexico. 500 years ago: The Spanish-Aztec War (1519–21). was one of the most important events in the Spanish colonization of America. After an earlier expedition to Yucatán led by Juan de Grijalva in 1518, the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés led an expedition (entrada) to Mexico. Two years later, in 1519, Cortés and his entourage sailed to Mexico. The Spanish campaign against the Aztec Empire had its final victory on August 13, 1521, when a coalition army of Spanish forces and native Tlaxcalan warriors led by Cortés and Xicotencatl the Younger captured Emperor Cuauhtémoc and Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire. The fall of Tenochtitlan marks the beginning of Spanish rule in Mexico and they built their capital Mexico City on the ruins of Tenochtitlan. XEW.mx

The Netherlands will get a private railway, European Sleeper, which will work with the Czech RegioJet. NPO.nl

Austria. The Upper Austrian company eMagnetix has successfully introduced the 30-hour week. Higher productivity, better working atmosphere, more applications. ● The demolition of the Ferry Dusika Stadium in Vienna’s Prater begins. Opened in 1977, it has replaced an open-air cycling track that has existed since 1931 on the Handelskai near Prater. Now the stadium has to give way to a ball sports arena. During construction, you try to recycle everything. By 2050, all copper reserves are to be used up. Franz “Ferry” Dusika (1908–1984) was an Austrian professional road bicycle racer. ● Burgenland (Gradišće, (Felső)őrvidék, Lajtabánság, Várvidék, 3965 km², 296000 inhabitants) with various minorities is one of the nine federal states of the Republic of Austria. The state capital is Eisenstadt (Kismarton, Željezno, Tikni Marton, Srasta, Asch, 43 km², 15000 ew.). It is the easternmost and smallest. The territory once belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary, which was obliged in the Treaty of Trianon in 1920 to cede the then German-Western Hungary to the new Republic of Austria. The newly added land was named Burgenland on 25.1.1921. ● The 700-year-old brewing town of Weitra near the Czech border in the district of Gmünd in Lower Austria has 2500 inhabitants. The lordship of Weitra originally belonged to Bohemia. In 1201, the Kuenringer Hadmar II founded the castle town of Weitra above the slightly older settlement of Altweitra, which was probably named after a Slav named Vitoraz (hence the current Czech name). Since the Kuenringers had supported Ottokar II Přemysl, Weitra was claimed by the Habsburgs after his death (1278); since 1296 the city was finally in their possession. From 26 May 1321 under Frederick the Beautiful, the oldest document has been preserved, which equipped Weitra’s citizens with brewing and bar privileges. ● Snow falls in the Northern Alps. ORF.at ● Austria donates 100,000 doses of vaccine to developing countries. SNA.ru

Russia. From now on, the former Austrian Foreign Minister (2017–2019) Karin Kneissl (independent) will give reports on the world situation on “Russia Today” and sputniknews.de. She was born in Vienna in 1965. Kneissl spent part of her childhood in the Jordanian capital Amman, where her father worked as a pilot for King Hussein I and was involved in the establishment of the national airline ALIA/Royal Jordanian. From 1983 to 1987 she studied law and Arabic studies at the University of Vienna, which she completed with a Master’s degree in Arabic and a United Nations diploma. In her youth and student years, she worked for Amnesty International and supported environmental and human rights organizations worldwide. Subsequently, she researched the parties to the conflict in the Middle East for her dissertation in international law. Stations were the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Amman. During her studies, she worked as a volunteer at the St. Louis Hospice in Jerusalem and in a bank in Amman. With a Fulbright scholarship she was from 1989 to 1991 at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. In 1991/1992 she completed the cycle international of the École nationale d’administration (ENA) in Paris. In 1992 she submitted her dissertation to the University of Vienna and became a Dr. iur. Doctorate. Kneissl speaks five foreign languages. As an experienced diplomat, she has written several books. She became world famous for her dance with President Putin at her wedding in Styria in 2018. She lives in Seibersdorf (Lower Austria). Recommended reading: Diplomacy Power History: The Art of Dialogue in Uncertain Times. Hildesheim. Olms Verlag, June 2020. ISBN 978–3-487–08633-0. SNA.ru

Switzerland. John Landis (*1950) is considered a legendary US director, he made films such as »Blues Brothers«, »Ich glaub, mich tritt ein Pferd« or the video for Michael Jackson’s »Thriller«. At the Locarno Film Festival in 2021, he has now received the honorary award. Vengeance is Mine, All Others Pay Cash was named Best Film at the 74th Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland. The film by Indonesian director Edwin, based on the novel of the same name by Eka Kurniawan, was awarded the Golden Leopard by an international jury. A Lifetime Achievement Award went to Italian director Dario Argento, whose work in the horror genre earned him the nickname “The Master of Horror”, especially in the 1970s and 1980s. Best Director Awards went to Abel Ferrara for Zeros and Ones, Anastasiya Krasovskaya for Best Actress in the Film Gerda and Mohamed Mellali and Valero Escolar for Best Actor in Sis Dies Corrents (The Odd-Job Men). Jiao Tang Hui (A New Old Play) by Qiu Jiongjiong won the Special Jury Prize. A special mention was given to the only Swiss film in this year’s competition, Soul Of A Beast by Lorenz Merz. The event attracted 78,600 visitors. ● Anti-Taliban demonstrations in Switzerland and opening of borders to refugees. SRF.ch

In Turkey, a device was invented for corona infection detection with 99% certainty. ● Heavy rain and flooding in northern Turkey. ● Sputnik V helps 83% against delta. TRT.tr ● Turkey is building anti-Afghanistan wall, along Iraq and Iran’s border. Fear of heroin import. 3.6 million Syrians, 0.5 million Afghans already in the Land.SRF.ch

USA. Dozens of Democratic lawmakers skip Texas House meetings so Republicans can’t change the electoral law, but they’re cashing in on their salaries. Several Republican states have already adjusted the electoral law. KFAR.us ● On 4.8., former President Barack Hussein Obama II celebrated his 60s. His birthplace was Honolulu. SRF.ch

Venezuela. Maduro is firmly in the saddle. Now Mexico and Norway want to get the country out of debt and the crisis. SRF.ch


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