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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Education minister instructs schools to integrate transgender students as LGBTQ lobby reaches France

By: V4 Agency

The circular letter issued by the French Ministry of Education calls on primary and secondary schools to do their utmost to ensure the integration of transgender students in the fight against homophobia and transphobia. World-renowned essayist Eric Zemmour finds the move of the MOE abominble, saying the minister is succumbing to American propaganda and is putting transgender students in a privileged position in schools.

The LGBTQ lobby appears to have reached schools in France. The Ministry of Education has issued a circular letter explaining the importance of combatting homophobia and transphobia in educational institutions.

The letter states that all primary and secondary schools students must be provided with the necessary conditions for integration, with special regard for transgender students. The task of the school as a public service is to approach everyone not on the basis of their identity, but on the basis of their human dignity, in accordance with the principles of neutrality, equality and the values of the Republic, the communique reads.

Transgender identity is a fact that also affects educational institutions, and accordingly students who question their own gender identity should be refered to by the name of their choice, the text reads. As there are no mixed toilets in schools, transgender students can use the restroom matching their gender identity, the statement continues. As for showers and changing rooms, schools are to set up a flexible schedule by common agreement so that everyone can use these facilities without interruption.

The ministry’s guidelines also state that teachers have a duty to support young people and allow them to explore different paths without stigmatising them. This means that for students who question their gender identity, support measures should be developed by schools on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with the needs expressed by the students and their families. Schools have an important role in preventing discrimination and harassment of transgender students.

The circulated communique has prompted Eric Zemmour to express harsh criticism of Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer, who, as the world-renowned French essayist says, has given in to the American LGBTQ lobby. Zemmour believes that without propaganda there would be no transgender children, and posed the question on Twitter as to how much long the LGBT craze in schools would continue.

Mr Zemmour also voiced his views on the French radio station Europe 1, saying he is not familiar with the concept of transgenderism, he only knows that there are boys and girls, women and men, and that he is not familiar with hazy theories of gender identity and refuses to have them linked to education, especially when it comes to children.

Mr Zemmour called it criminal that, under the guidelines issued by the education minister, teachers now have to fully submit to the wishes of transgender children. The essayist explained that all children experience awkwardness before and during puberty, and have to get used to their bodies, their sexuality and their gender. The correct response in this situation would be to simply tell them that this feeling will pass with time.

The essayist says the education minister’s behaviour is abominable, as he has given in to the American propaganda and accepted transgender students into educational institutions. Mr Zemmour maintains that promotion of LGBTQ ideology in schools should be stopped as schools are no place for that.

In the radio programme, Mr Zemmour clearly blamed Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer for caving to the propaganda about gender theory to which children are falling victim, adding that these issues had never been raised before.



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