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Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Anonymous Slovenia group, which called for violent protests, is obviously connected with the SD party in the referendum campaign as well!

By: Sara Kovač

It is becoming increasingly clear who is hiding behind the profile of the Anonymous Slovenia group. The group, which called for participation in violent anti-government protests where police were forced to use a water cannon and then distanced themselves from the protests because the devil took the joke, has more than obvious ties to the Social Democrats. In one of the recent posts on the social network Twitter, they let it be known that the biggest stumbling block for them is the provision of investments in the Slovenian Army, which has been completely underfunded for many years at the expense of the arrogance of the ruling left. In doing so, they emphasized in black and white that they stand on the same bank as the Social Democrats, who have joined the campaign to collect signatures for a referendum, where they are misleading about how 780 million euros are supposed to go to buy tanks.

On Saturday Anonymous Slovenia wrote on Twitter: “This is a call to all Anonymous cells around the world. We need reinforcements! Our government is in the hands of corrupt, incompetent and fascist criminals. People are dying because they did nothing to stop the spread of the virus. Namely, they were employed by buying weapons,”, adding that they called on like-minded people to spread this record as much as possible.

It is interesting, however, that the content of the record coincides in time and content with the beginning of the campaign of the Social Democrats, who called on followers on social networks: “€ 780 million for tanks? No thanks! Sign the request for calling a referendum!” By focusing on tanks, of course, they tried to play on the emotions of citizens, but at the same time they completely kicked into the dark, as it soon turned out that the law on investments in the Slovenian Army does not provide for the purchase of new tanks. One percent of GDP is earmarked for the most necessary investments, namely for appropriate equipment, decent construction of barracks, purchase of transport helicopters, transport aircraft and armoured vehicles, which will contribute to greater security and the possibility of survival of Slovenian soldiers on missions.

The Social Democrats are misleading how the government will allocate 780 million euros for weapons and not for health, jobs and care for the elderly, although it is clear that the breakdown of health care, the labour market, difficult working conditions in nursing homes did not happen overnight. Thus, they are trying to outwardly create the impression of how the problems arose in March this year, when the new government took office. The fact is, however, that the Social Democrats, who have been in power for 10 years in the last 12 years, are to blame for the problems. At the time when they were members of the governments, they did not build a single new hospital, nor a home for the elderly, although they were in charge of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. They also brought the Slovenian Army to its knees, namely since the last crisis in 2008, the defence department has been the one to pay the highest price. Practically, no department has had their funds halved. One does not need to be a genius to realize that without security, neither health care, nor the economy, nor the social services can function. It is security that is the foundation for everything!

Together, they create a climate that is dangerous

Nevertheless, the Social Democrats, as well as Levica and the Anonymous group, insist that the whole thing is completely unacceptable, as it would be necessary to invest in healthcare. Of course, there is no denying that investing in healthcare is important, but just throwing away healthcare will not solve the problem until it cuts the wings of the healthcare supplier mafia, which craves high profits to buy yachts and villas. However, apparently the Social Democrats have found a soaker in the Anonymous group who, despite the difficult situation we find ourselves in, is helping them co-create a climate in which they are actually calling for dislike of government rather to call for compliance with measures to curb the spread of the new coronavirus.

If we look at the publications of the Anonymous Slovenia group, we can see that, as with the Social Democrats, they are clearly directed against the government, especially against the SDS party and Prime Minister Janez Janša. When the public watched in horror as to what the extremists had caused at the protest, which they themselves called for through posters, they of course distanced themselves. Well, the Social Democrats also distanced themselves from the violence, but it is interesting that both of them have always supported protests where death was threatened. But when the devil takes the joke, no one is to blame. “We are telling everyone who hoped that the police were interrogating us in a dark basement that we are still here. We stopped dealing with trolls and focused on the original goals: the removal of the supreme psychopath and his subjects. Enjoy while you can,” Anonymous tweeted on November 12th. It is more than obvious that the first plan is the fall of the government, as well as the Social Democrats, who hope for the formation of a “burek” coalition led by Jože P. Damijan. All for power, though you don’t yet know how to get to it.



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