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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Prime Minister and President of the SDS Janez Janša on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the SDS: »The future has not yet happened and we are all equally called to shape it.«

by P.T.

Writes: C. R.

This year, the Slovenian Democratic Party celebrates 32 years of its existence. But this year’s gala academy on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the SDS took place slightly differently from the anniversaries of previous years. It will go down in history forever, as it took place virtually for the first time due to the coronavirus-related situation.

At the beginning, those present at the virtual gala academy of the SDS listened to a recital of a song by President Janez Janša Najlepša si (You are the most beautiful) and the Slovenian national anthem. The gala academy, which this time was held virtually for the first time in history, was led by Eva Irgl. In her introduction, she dedicated a few words to the history of the Slovenian Democratic Party, which is celebrating its 32nd birthday this year. She emphasized that they have been building Slovenia in the Slovenian Democratic Party since its establishment. »We build it persistently, with the courage and immeasurable inner strength of individuals, our members. We are building it FOR YOU. Older for young, young for their future,« said SDS MP Eva Irgl.

The participants were then greeted by the President of the Slovenian Democratic Youth, Dominik Štrakl, who said in the introduction that the Slovenian Democratic Party had achieved a great deal in its 32 years of existence. He emphasized that the SDS was an anchorage of political normality, which advocated economic progress and the preservation of Slovenian tradition. »We are built by identity, culture, language, family. The values ​​we carry in our hearts are freedom, justice, responsibility. We reject totalitarian ideologies of all origins. Because of our beliefs, we attract people from all corners of Slovenia and reap trust abroad,« said the President of the Slovenian Democratic Youth and continued: »We are a party that always advocates cooperation. We always offered a hand of cooperation to those who think differently.« In conclusion, Štrakl added: “Today we are fighting together against the epidemic, which we will successfully overcome. Young people in the party assure you that this is far from the last victory we will achieve together. SDS, all the best!«

Eva Irgl continued that the Slovenian Democratic Party is a large family, gathered from all walks of life and all ages, but internally connected. »We hold the unshakable belief that every human being is important, that every life counts,« said Irgl, who emphasized that Slovenia is our homeland and that we will always fight for it.

The main speaker of the gala academy was the President of the Slovenian Democratic Party Janez Janša. »Slovenia was born from the hope of the Slovenian spring. It grew out of the suffering and courage of Dr. Jože Pučnik and France Tomšič, as well as thousands of Slovene patriots and democrats, and all of those who have maintained common sense throughout the lead years, at home, abroad and around the world, who have preserved their common sense and their faith in the possibility of a democratic and independent Slovenia,« said President Janez Janša in his address. He also described the formation of the Slovenian Democratic Party: »It merged into the two central parties of the later Demos, the Slovenian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Union of Slovenia. Spring, democratic, Slovenian independence energy.« In his address, Janez Janša emphasized that the Slovenian Democratic Party had grown into the political and pillar power of the Slovene nation. He added that the SDS had never betrayed its original principles, had never trampled on its own program and the principles of parliamentary democracy, and had never refused to cooperate. »The Slovenian Democratic Party is the political force of Slovene independence. It is the political force of the present. And it is the political power of Slovenia’s future, because it is aware that our greatest wealth is a free, sophisticated and creative Slovenian man. Without division into ours and yours, into first- and second-class people,« added President Janez Janša. At the end, he expressed his sincere congratulations on the 32nd anniversary of the Slovenian Democratic Party and concluded: »A mature age is coming, a time of decisive efforts and the fight for the good future of Slovenia. No concessions. Long live our big family, Slovenian and democratic. And God lives Slovenia.« You can read the full speech here.

The solemn speech was followed by the most solemn moment of the academy, namely the awarding of the highest SDS awards. This year, Miroslav Luci received the SDS diamond sign, and upon receiving the highest SDS award, he said that he was very honored and pleased to be able to thank the nominators and decision-makers on behalf of the recipients of the awards and plaques. Luci also wished Prime Minister Janez Janša and ministers in the government and the coalition successful work in overcoming the pandemic Covid-19 and the socio-economic problems that he believes will follow.

The solemn event was accompanied by a beautiful Slovenian song. We heard the song Lepa si, Slovenija (You are beautiful, Slovenia), sung heartily by Darja Gajšek, and the song Slovenija v Svetu (Slovenia in the world) performed by MePZ Zborallica. This year’s virtual gala academy ended with a recital of Prešeren’s verse and a song by Korado and France Za tvoj rojstni dan (For your birthday).


We are publishing the entire speech of SDS President Janez Janša:

Dear members of the Slovenian Democratic Party!

Slovenian and democratic. Party. It was born from the hope of the Slovenian Spring. It grew out of the suffering and courage of Dr. Jože Pučnik and France Tomšič and thousands of Slovenian patriots and democrats. All of them who, even during the lead years, at home, abroad and around the world, have preserved their common sense and with it their faith in the possibility of a democratic and independent Slovenia.

It sprouted at the protests of Roška and Kongresni trg, at writers’ evenings and in prayers in Slovenian churches during the trial against the quartet. It merged into the two central parties of the later Demos, the Slovenian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Union of Slovenia. Spring, democratic, Slovenian independence energy.

Demos took risks and people from the leadership of the Slovenian Democratic Union, the Slovenian People’s Party, the Social Democratic Union of Slovenia, the Slovenian Christian Democrats, the Liberal Party and the Greens of Slovenia took risks. Risk at the right time, courage and reason enabled the formation of a great unity of the Slovenian nation. Which, despite the divided policy, unwaveringly implemented its plebiscite decision, defended it in the war for Slovenia and achieved international recognition.

Summers came, but so did frosts, winters, and storms. They were helped by our naivety and boundless benevolence. Those for whom our dreams were never an intimate option, by all means tore, slandered, murdered in the media, abused the rule of law, stole elections, mandates and the dignity of Slovenes. But courage also grew. First a weak one which barely survived the 1992 election year, then an increasingly strong one. The original energy began to gather and strengthen again from year to year. Despite the increasingly ruthless winter, it has grown into a central democratic political force in Slovenia.

It has grown into the central political, pillar power of the Slovene nation. Because we saw the joys and pains of the Slovenian nation and the nation saw us. It has never betrayed the original principles, it has never trampled on its own program and the principles of parliamentary democracy. It never refused to cooperate, it consistently defended the constitutional values ​​of independent Slovenia. It created the conditions for alleviating the edges of the Slovene split and tried to unite those who excluded. It offered a hand to those blinded by historical hatred.

When the homeland was in distress, it put its welfare before its own interests. So it was at independence, so it was at the time of the financial and economic crisis, and so it was at the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, when others swept rifles into corn.

It worked on the principle that whoever is not against us is with us. She did not build on resentment, but on cooperation. That is why today it is big, strong and Slovenia’s hope for the realization of plebiscite dreams. Dreams and longings for Cankar’s paradise under Triglav. For Prešeren’s unity, happiness and reconciliation. For a homeland that will be the mother of all her children. For home, peace and justice. For a time when, despite the differences, we will all recognize ourselves in the colors of the Slovenian flag and the verses of the constitutional Zdravljica (anthem). For a time when we will be able to read the signs of the future more uniformly and prepare for it in time.

The Slovenian Democratic Party is the political force of Slovene independence. It is the political force of the present. And it is the political power of Slovenia’s future, because it is aware that our greatest wealth is a free, sophisticated and creative Slovenian man. Without division into ours and yours, into first- and second-class people. That our greatest development potential is our knowledge and our awareness that the horizons are always wider than we see them today. That the future has not yet happened and that we are all equally called to shape it.

Sincere congratulations and a big THANK YOU on the 32nd anniversary of the SDS to all of you who have been here since its birth. Thank you to all the tens of thousands of members and supporters and to all the hundreds of thousands who circle the colors of the sun and blue sky in the election.

A mature age is coming, a time of decisive efforts and the fight for the good future of Slovenia. No concessions. Long live our big family, Slovenian and democratic. And God lives Slovenia.


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