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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Karl Erjavec before the new fiasco? He did not want to answer the journalist’s question!

By: Sara Kovač (Nova24tv)

The no confidence vote was filed for the second time today, this time with 10 parliamentary signatures. Karl Erjavec “I will not withdraw it this time. The vote must take place, as the main goal of the SDS programme is to create another republic in Slovenia.” When asked what he would do if he had a fiasco, he did not want to answer.

The opposition parties LMŠ, SD, Levica, SAB, and DeSUS, which are united in the KUL coalition, today again filed a constructive vote of no confidence in the parliamentary procedure with Karl Erjavec as a candidate for Prime Minister. This was the second attempt, for the first time Erjavec withdrew his consent to the candidacy for Prime Minister, according to him because some MPs would not be able to vote due to illness. If for the first time they submitted a proposal of constructive no confidence vote with 42 votes, they did so today with 10 parliamentary signatures, each of the proposing parties contributed two, the DeSUS party explained. Erjavec believes that the numbers are not important and that he does not need to prove again that he has just over 40 signatures. Which, of course, is still not 46. However, given that the vote is secret, many things can happen and most are convinced that there will not be enough votes for a constructive vote of no confidence.

Candidate for Prime Minister Karl Erjavec assured at a press conference that he would not withdraw his consent to the candidacy for Prime Minister this time, even if due to the Rules of Procedure it would not be possible to ensure the vote of all MPs by secret ballot. “The vote must take place because the main goal of the SDS party’s programme is to create another republic in Slovenia,” he explained. When asked what he would do if he had a fiasco, he did not want to answer. He also said at the press conference that he did not return to politics in order to succeed with constructive no confidence vote – which is going like clockwork so far!

Begging for votes

Considering that the candidate for Prime Minister Karl Erjavec was gaining votes to the point of impotence, but has not collected enough to date, social network users made a joke on this expense. Erjavec, at least in theory, collected 42 signatures, but today the proposal for a constructive vote of no confidence was filed with only ten signatures. Earlier, he claimed that all members of the DeSUS parliamentary group would contribute their signatures, but today it was said that he expected at least three in the vote. It is getting worse and worse for him, what will happen at the voting if he intends to continue at this pace. Well, if there is a vote at all. The vote must take place within a maximum of seven days, i.e. by next Wednesday.

A busy week for the “independent” media

Throughout the saga of collecting votes and investing constructive no confidence vote, both Erjavec and the KUL coalition had strong media support. The mainstream media paid attention to them during the most watched times and helped create some sort of pseudo-events. In addition, they have always helped to create the impression that a vote of no confidence in the government will undoubtedly be voted on when Erjavec considers that the time is right to submit a proposal. According to their announcement, this should have happened last year, and the next proposed date was the birthday of the former President Milan Kučan, who probably wanted such a gift himself. “Another busy week for the Slovenian ‘independent’ media,” Prime Minister Janez Janša commented earlier this week, aiming for media support when filing a no-confidence vote.

Bernie Sanders also appeared in the memes with KUL members today, who somehow matches Erjavec and the President of the LMŠ party Marjan Šarec in popularity in the category of fun memes. Recently, a bit more attention has been paid to the president of the SAB party, Alenka Bratušek, whom her party colleague, MP Marko Bandelli, described as a tractor.


The word meme (/’mi:m) was coined by Richard Dawkins as early as 1976, although it has only recently become more common. It relates to the dissemination of ideas, behaviour, or style of individuals within a particular culture. Memes are placed among the forms of communication, and some call this type of communication viral communication, because ideas spread similarly to a virus.


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