10.3 C
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

How they show Požar to the officials, masturbate on Jeraj, at Bratušek they look away, and how we can still help against Janša

By Bojan Požar (Pozareport)

Last week, the occupation in three pictures or The media scene in the Slovenian way …

In the shadow of virtual reality, which part of Slovenian journalism within the political struggle against Janez Janša (SDS) and the current center-right government »successfully« and rapidly exports to individual European media (more on this link), which also have their owners and sources of funding with a specific agenda (the case of the American tabloid portal Politico), reality is happening on the Slovenian media scene. The reality of the occupation of biased media, which on the outside falsely declare themselves to be impartial.

So it was last week, let’s look at the occupation in three pictures:

Picture one

You can trust me that the author of these lines receives many letters on a daily, let alone weekly basis, among other things. Well, here is a letter from one official (name and surname are known to the editorial board), it arrived last Wednesday, which testifies / proves how the management of the public administration used a business event for employees for fake news, that is, to falsely present the web portal Požareport and its founder. Due to its authenticity, the following letter is published without any editorial intervention:

»I am writing to you because I have long been annoyed that you were mentioned on Statistical Day 2018 (January 23, 2018) and shown with a video slide as a source of so called ‘fakenews’. The lecture was in several parts, I attended it on my own initiative, because at that time I was looking for a new job and I imagined such an event, which was open in nature, as a potential networking. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this before, but the decision has come now. I hope you have been reminded of this, for me, incorrect ‘treatment’ at the event in question in Brdo for all those who work in statistics at the national and similar levels. I think the slide where you were portrayed as one of the pillars of the ‘fakenews’ can certainly still be obtained. The level of presentation was, in my view, of scornful nature. I was disappointed by this attitude and I realized how propaganda is spreading in state-owned companies.

I hope you accept my email with understanding, maybe something will come in handy in your work or in the criticism of government officials who even use business events for employees in statistics at the state level for propaganda, if I’m not mistaken, you also announced your entry into politics at the time, etc. I am a subscriber to your portal and I greet you warmly, with respect …«

By the way, on this Statistical Day, as can be seen from their official website, the then editor of 24ur.com Denis Oštir and the host of Odmev on TV Slovenia Igor E. Bergant also gave a lecture. That is, journalists of two media, which today are clearly on the front line of the political-media conflict with the Janša government. And the Minister of Public Administration at the time was Boris Koprivnikar (SMC), who was revealed by the author of these lines with documents a few months later, in October of the same year, in the famous frequency-BTC affair.

Oops, how many coincidences.

By the way, on 13 May 2019, the Government Information Office, then already under the government of Marjan Šarec, invited the former director of the Pop TV and Planet TV news program and former director of Delo Tomaž Perovič to an internal lecture on media for Ukom officials. In real terms, Perovič withdrew from the media a long time ago, although he edits the printed free edition and the ObalaPlus portal on the Coast. In this lecture, which was paid from budget money, Perovič also talked a lot about the portal you are just reading, and unprofessionally estimated its reach to »up to 55,000 clicks« per day. However, this was already after three ministers of Šarec’s government (Marko Bandelli, Dejan Prešiček and Jure Leben) flew away, mainly thanks to the revelations of this portal, and 3 to 4 months before the outbreak of the Lepa Nataša-Sova affair (September 30, 2019), which also took Marjan Šarec away five months later.

Picture two

Along with the bizarre self-disclosure of the anonymous Twitter profile of Alenka Jeraj, SDS MP (»Kopriva« profile), there was also a documented revelation of the fake Twitter and Facebook profile »Marta Kocjančič«, which was managed and used by the Secretary General of the Alenka Bratušek’s Party (SAB) Jernej Pavlič and the President of the Party herself – Alenka Bratušek (here), and a few days later, a documented revelation of another fake Twitter and Facebook profile called »Kristina Vidmar«, managed by Nina Petrič, an SAB official in the City of Ljubljana.

But beware: while all the majority media under the control of the transitional left included the case of Alenka Jeraj’s anonymous profile in all possible headlines and top stories (this was even second topic on the central Dnevnik of public TV Slovenia, and tonight it will be also on Studio City!), – while literally masturbating in the reporting and commentary, saying that anonymous profiles on social networks lead to the very top of the SDS party –, when revealing anonymous profiles of the very top of the Alenka Bratušek’s Party – they looked away nonchalantly?! The story of the anonymous profile of Marta Kocjančič is even more evil than Kopriva, even disgusting, as they obviously abused the Facebook profile of the late MP Franc Kramar. Unbelievable, crazy, and the media is silent.

And picture three

Last Tuesday, political marketing consultant Sebastjan Jeretič publicly said something on the show Faktor on TV3 (source) that should practically explode on the media-political scene, but again nothing happened because (other) media preferred to keep it secret.

Namely, Jeretič publicly revealed for the first time how journalists in 2008 (he was then an adviser to Borut Pahor and SD), when it seemed a week before the parliamentary elections that Janša would remain in power, beware now, telephoned members of the Social Democrats’ election headquarters and anxiously asked, what else can »we journalists« do (that is, those who otherwise publicly present themselves as impartial journalists, ha ha?!) in order to prevent Janez Janša’s electoral victory?!

However, Jeretič has not yet said publicly how the famous Franci Perčič approached him the year before (2007), in the middle of the election headquarters of the candidate for President of the Republic Danilo Türk, and quietly told him: if you need anything else, you just call Bojan Veselinovič, he will do everything, arrange and help, he is ours.

Let us remember: Bojan Veselinovič is the former director of Radio Slovenia, the former editor-in-chief of the Dnevnik newspaper, and now the long-term director of the Slovenian Press Agency.

And so the circle is closed. #AnythingElseToAdd?



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