11.3 C
Friday, October 18, 2024

Does kicking at the ball on which Prime Minister Janez Janša was depicted remind you of anything? Both members of the Islamic State and Slovenian communist liquidators played football with the heads of their victims!

By: G.B.

On Friday night, many people were shocked by the news that Friday’s political cyclists took a breather with a bizarre game – they kicked a ball in the shape of a coronavirus, and Prime Minister Janez Janša was depicted on it.

Such bizarre performances, on the one hand, would be nothing special if they were not reminiscent of the practice of communist liquidators beheading their victims and later kicking them in the head. More than ten years ago, Zoran Božić published testimonies about the massacre of Croats in Kočevski Rog in the magazine Hrvatsko slovo. According to Jure’s testimony, the Slovene partisans participated in the slaughter on an equal footing. Unlike Croatian butchers, who used axes and knives, Slovenians also killed with large forestry saws. With them, they cut people in half very slowly so that the victim suffered for a long time. “Slovenian partisans cut off the heads of individual victims and then played football with them when they finished their shift. In addition, human heads were impaled on stakes and burned over fire,” Božić writes.

Of course, such a practice is also not unknown to the members of the infamous Islamic State. We found articles online about how the aforementioned Islamic terrorists beheaded their victims and then played football with their heads. Thus, in 2016, they forced children to kick victims in the heads to raise them to be more bloodthirsty killers. Not so long ago, in November 2020, ISIS members beheaded 50 people in Mozambique, Africa, and used their heads to play.

We can now ask ourselves which civilisation the organisers of Friday’s protests belong to. If we can even connect their behaviour with a civilisation…


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