4.3 C
Monday, March 17, 2025

Prime Minister Janez Janša gives statement for Planet TV on restructuring and current topics


As the Government of the Republic of Slovenia visited the Savinjska region to learn about the projects and challenges of the region, and to discuss challenges and opportunities with the main actors of development in the region.

Prime Minister Janša also gave a statement for Planet TV as part of the Savinjska region visit. He spoke about the gradual shutdown of the Velenje coal mine by 2032. “The final date has not yet been set in stone. It depends on the country’s energy needs, the pace of the introduction of renewables, the ongoing discussions in the European Union, the targets we have set ourselves, the situation on the electricity market and the problems with replacing coal as an energy source, which are not only specific to Slovenia.” Regarding the gradual shutdown of the coal mine, the Prime Minister added that it was in our common interest that this should happen as soon as possible, that economically viable renewable sources should be found and that new jobs should be created as soon as possible, if possible better and better paid jobs.

The Prime Minister also discussed the current political situation in Slovenia for Planet TV. In response to the recent statements by Mr Tonin, he emphasised that New Slovenia (Nova Slovenija) is an independent party and that cooperation between the coalition parties is for the benefit of Slovenia. He also commented on the photographs that have been doing the rounds in the media the last few days in which he appears in the company of the most powerful Slovenian healthcare lobbyists. He said that in the last 20 years, when he had time to play golf, he had played with practically everyone who played golf in Slovenia, including editors of media companies, and that personal gatherings were in no way connected with conducting any kind of business. “The self-proclaimed KUL opposition, which is without a programme, wants to create the impression that they are doing something. They are not; they are only manufacturing scandals. Instead of forming an alternative for the upcoming elections, they think they can influence the voters with such pathetic attempts.”


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