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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Opponents of the SDS missed their opportunity to stay quiet: with their criticisms, they helped the party extend the reach of its campaign!

These days, the largest Governmental party SDS is urging citizens to act responsibly and also showing their gratitude to all employees of the critical infrastructure sectors, with a poster campaign. Of course, the opponents of the party could not help but criticize the campaign, calling it an unnecessary waste of money and an aggressive election campaign. We asked Sebastjan Jeretič to comment on the matter, and he explained to us that a permanent campaign approach had long ago been established in politics. In his opinion, the fact that SDS’s campaign provoked the opponents of the party is actually good, as they were unknowingly expanding the reach of the campaign through social media, during a time when we must all stay at home.

In recent weeks, the largest Governmental party – the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), led by Janez Janša, has been doing everything in its power, with its ministers, members of the parliament, and other members, to help limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. Their efforts include a number of measures that are a result of ongoing work, and the party has also decided on a campaign with jumbo posters that can be seen on the sides of the roads.

With the posters, SDS is urging all citizens to act responsibly and also expresses its gratitude to all employees in critical infrastructure

With the posters, the SDS party is encouraging all citizens to act responsibly: to wear masks and stay at home, and on their posters, they are also thanking the firefighters, police officers, soldiers, civil protection officers, and the healthcare personnel for their contribution. As per usual, the party’s opponents criticized this campaign as well. On social media, among other things, they are accusing the party of unnecessarily wasting money and leading an aggressive election campaign, even though there are still two years left before the next election.

The approach of a permanent campaign has long been established in politics

We asked a renowned marketing expert and political analyst, Sebastjan Jeretič, to comment on the matter. He told the web portal Nova24TV that the approach of a permanent campaign had long been established in politics, and therefore, such campaigns led by the political parties are very important, even when the elections are not close.

“In addition, the content is well-chosen, as it establishes an association between the party and the most pressing issue that is influencing most of our lives right now,” he pointed out. According to Jeretič, in addition to strengthening the party’s presence in public, the campaign is also spreading awareness.

The opponents of the SDS party have expanded the reach of the campaign on social media

From a marketing standpoint, according to Jeretič, it is a good thing that the opponents of the SDS party were bothered by the campaign, as they are actually helping it with their criticisms. “Since we are mostly at home, the campaign could have easily been overlooked,” says Jeretič, explaining: “The opponents helped widen the reach of the campaign by sharing posts about it on social media, and with the media coverage.”


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