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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Minister Podgoršek: Buying locally grown food is important to support Slovenian farmers during the epidemic

by P.T.

The spokesperson Jelko Kacin started the press conference with a review of today’s epidemiological situation. Once again, the data is not encouraging, he said, upon expressing his concern regarding the development of the situation in the subsequent days.

2,064 or 30.3% of the 6,806 Sars-CoV-2 tests performed yesterday came in positive. The number of people infected is higher than on Tuesday, while the number of tests carried out remains the same. The spokesperson emphasised that the review by regions shows that infections are rising in the Koroška region and that the situation is far worse in the Pomurje region.

However, the fact that 42 fewer people yesterday needed medical treatment than on Tuesday is a bit reassuring, though 1238 patients with covid-19 were hospitalized on Wednesday. A smaller number of patients required intensive care, i.e. 205 (four less than on Tuesday). A total of 78 people were discharged from hospitals on Wednesday. This morning, the Ljubljana University Medical Centre had 7 beds available in the intensive care unit.

Unfortunately, a large number of patients with Covid-19, 45, died in Slovenia yesterday.

In continuation, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Jože Podgoršek, took part in the press conference by focusing on the difficulties in the agricultural sector, which is severely affected due to the corona crisis. Many sectors are facing problems, especially pig and cattle farming, wine and fruit-growing sector. The Minister said, that at today’s regular session, the Government is to adopt an Order on financial aid for pig farmers, which is intended to prevent or at least minimise the impact of the corona crisis in this sector. He emphasised that the production of meat from slaughter is otherwise allowed at this time of year; however, it should be carried out in line with the applicable Ordinance on the temporary general prohibition of movement and public gathering.

As tomorrow is Slovenian Food Day, he called on all stakeholders in the food chain, including consumers, to demonstrate solidarity and help Slovenian farmers and the countryside by buying local food grown and produced in Slovenia. Moreover, he emphasized that despite the problems faced by the agricultural sector, there is no concern whatsoever regarding the reserves of food in Slovenia. In this context, he drew attention to the issue of food waste.

At the end of the press conference held this morning, the spokesperson emphasized that if we want to contain the spread of this disease, we must all act responsibly by consistently implement protective measures: “Some of you may feel that by staying at home, you are not doing anything useful but this is not true as by staying at home you contribute in an invaluable way to limiting contact and containing the spread of coronavirus in our society. You are helping the medical profession, epidemiologists and above all those who are most at risk in the current situation and are more likely to experience dangerous symptoms if infected with COVID-19.”

Source: gov.si


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