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Friday, October 18, 2024

Incredible: The wife of the prosecutor who is pursuing Janša because of Trenta conducts business from a “mailbox” address that she shares with a Ljubljana judge

By: Nova24tv.si

Prosecutor Boštjan Valenčič has been leading a campaign against opposition leader Janez Janša for years regarding his allegedly contentious sale of a property in Trenta – a ludicrous legal construct that Janša himself has dubbed Patria 2. The prosecution absurdly – and in contradiction with the logic of free markets – accuses Janša of selling the property in Trenta for too high a price. It appears to be at least a personal vendetta of the prosecutor against Janša, if not a higher prosecutorial-judicial construct with connections to high politics, as it has long been clear that the judiciary is completely hijacked by the deep state.

The fact that prosecutor Valenčič’s family is well-connected with judicial circles is suggested by the information that prosecutor Valenčič’s wife, Martina Valenčič, conducts business from the same address where one of the higher judges in Ljubljana has her permanent residence.

On her LinkedIn page, Valenčič’s wife states that she works for the legal-business portal Tax-Fin-Lex, but it is clear that she is also a sole proprietor, as she established a sole proprietorship last year and has registered “Entrepreneurial and business services” as her activity.

“I specialise in informing about legal changes in Slovenia. As the head of sales, I shape and elevate revenues to a higher level at Tax-Fin-Lex,” she writes on her LinkedIn page. It is obvious that she likely works exclusively for Tax-Fin-Lex, despite officially being a sole proprietor.

Interestingly, the address of her business is the same as the address of senior judge Lea Habjanić at the Ljubljana District Court.

We have already written about senior judge Habjanić regarding the controversial promotions of Slovenian judges. Habjanić acquired the title of senior judge based on the evaluation of judicial service made by the personnel council of the Higher Court in Ljubljana in June 2016. At that time, the Constitutional Court, in a criminal case against Boštjan Majer for the crime of enslavement, which was handled by this judge, annulled the detention. The Constitutional Court found that the defendant had been in detention disproportionately long, during which time the court had not scheduled a single main hearing. In the ten months since the indictment was filed, the judge had not scheduled a main hearing, so the Constitutional Court annulled the detention and released the defendant. Instead of being dismissed, the judge received a reward and a promotion, which was solely due to friendly ties with senior judges, not because of her work and professional decisions.

At the same address with the nepotistically selected Ljubljana judge

This judge is apparently at least an acquaintance, if not in friendly relations, with the wife of prosecutor Valenčič, who is prosecuting Janša. How else could they both be at the same address – the Valenčič couple registered as co-owners of the multi-apartment building on Nazorjeva Street, which occupies numbers 10 to 12, along with the judge in 2017, and the building previously belonged to SKD (State Accounting Service). The judge and the prosecutor’s wife share the address specifically at number 12.

Regarding the doorbells at the entrance with different names, it is apparent that the prosecutor’s wife operates from a so-called “mailbox” address, where multiple people share only the postal address to receive mail.

Despite both judge Lea Habjanić and prosecutor Valenčič’s wife Martina Valenčič sharing the address at Nazorjeva Street 12, it appears they are not actually there, which suggests that they use the address merely as a mailbox.

Hearing tomorrow

Tomorrow, Mateja Valenčič’s husband, who evidently runs a “mailbox” business in the same building as the Ljubljana judge, will again act as the prosecutor against Janša in the fabricated Trenta case, where opposition leader Janša will be judged by judge Cvetka Posliović.

Recall that Janša is accused of abuse of office, while the co-defendants are accused of aiding in the sale of Janša’s former parcel in Trenta because the property was sold at a higher price than it was purchased for decades ago.


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