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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Depravity and hypocrisy of the Social Democrats (SD) and their MEP Tanja Fajon

Tanja Fajon is probably the most farcical woman among public personas and women politicians in the history of Slovenia. Ljudmila Novak (NSi), Alenka Bratušek (SAB), Violeta Tomić (Levica) and Irena Joveva (LMŠ) follow her in hypocrisy, inconsistency, propaganda, idolatry, indoctrination, false philanthropy, and in false morality.

Political parties SD, Levica, SAB, LMŠ (which love to deal with the issue of retirement – mainly pensions – and with the issues regarding equality of sexes, violence against women and humanitarianism with illegal migrants) represents, generally speaking, great examples of what a farce, fake news and hate speech are. In this farce, they are assisted by unethical media, such as the old social media, namely Delo, Večer, Dnevnik, Mladina, RTV SLO, in which, following this column, I will definitely be labeled a fascist, an Islamophobe, a xenophobe and a sexist, because I am pointing to actual violence against women.

Farcical protests against violence against women

Political parties SD and Levica and especially MEP Tanja Fajon (who has lied three times already that she would not run for the European Parliament) and the SD Women’s Forum in cooperation with the Faculty of Social Studies and the Peace Institute in Ljubljana like to organise conferences, consultations, seminars on women’s issues and equality protests. It seems that their goal is justification of the Communist Manifesto and their platform or in other words, they are organising such events for propaganda and electoral purposes.

The last protest against violence against women, which took place in Ljubljana and featured Tanja Fajon, was the culmination of modern propaganda and farce. These farcical propaganda protests are regular around March 8 and November 25 – the days marking International Women’s Day and International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, respectively. SD is all about neuromarketing – that is inserting women and covert sex everywhere they can – in order to generate subliminal, subconscious and covert messages. Similar to car commercials that frequently feature women (and covert sexual appeals).

Tanja Fajon condemns unknown virtual rapes, but not in public, not in the media nor in the European Parliament she raises issues of mass rape of Yazidins and how they are being sold as sexual slaves to ISIS fighters, nor does she mention the fight of young Iranians to abolish the obligatory headscarf and burkas, Similarly she does not publicly discuss issues of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia, killing women out of honour, or stoning them in Islam. In Slovenia, Fajon remained silent alongside with other women political parties and media mentioned above during the recent large-scale rape by a Moroccan asylum seeker who had raped two young Slovenes in the name of Islam and jihadism. Raped girls do not dare to go public, probably because they do not enjoy support from Fajon, the SD, the SD Women’s Forum, or the ombudsman Peter Svetina.

Across the EU, especially in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Sweden, the number of Muslim ghettos, crime in them, Muslim and migrant rapes and the number of so-called safe houses providing shelter for girls and women who experience domestic violence are rising sharply. A burning problem is violence against girls and women in Muslim families. There were many rapes by migrants in Slovenia that Cerar’s and Šarec’s governments censored in order to not upset the public. TV shows such as Tarča on RTV Slovenia, which are hosted by women, do not want to investigate the matter as only news portraying how good Muslims and migrants are, can be broad-streamed. So farcical, false, idyllic, censored!

A duplicitous ombudsman

Ombudsman Peter Svetina and former ombudswoman Vlasta Nussdorfer also preferred not to raise questions regarding circumcision of Muslim and Roma girls in Slovenia, as well as forced marriages and the purchase of girls by Kosovo Albanians in Slovenia. This is becoming more common with the large-scale immigration. The majority of the 200,000 immigrants in the last ten years came from the Balkans and more than half from Bosnia and Kosovo.

Even the loud feminist dr. Sandra Bašić (Faculty of Social Sciences) and Večer’s columnist Svetlana Slapšak prefer to talk about trivial platitudes and anti-Slovenian propaganda with some pseudo and virtual ghosts, instead of pointing to the real and true ghosts and providing real examples. In other words, with some women’s honour and general morality, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Peace Institute in Ljubljana should initiate studies, research and publish in the media – to which they have access to – these great anomalies of Islam, which Bašić and Slapšak both know well but cover and hide with their silence.

Violence against women is deeply ingrained in Islam in the Qur’an, Hadith (Muhammad’s sayings), Sunnah (customs), Sharia law, according to which a woman is only a housewife, sexual gratification and child-bearer and accounts for only half a man. Moreover, a man is allowed to physically punish women for disobedience and non-compliance. The Prophet Muhammad was according to today’s standards, a pedophile as his third wife Aisha was 6 years old at marriage and 9 years old at sexual consumption of this union. This form of pedophilia – because everything Muhammad did among Muslims is pure, good, highly moral, and desirable imitation – is still deeply rooted in the Muslim world. In Yemen, for example, as many as 60 percent of girls are forced to be married by the age of 16.

Even in more developed Egypt, half of girls and in the UK, as many as a quarter of Muslim women still have their clit cut out. The technical name for this cruelty ensuring that a woman does not feel sexual desire, nothing during a sexual act, so that she remains only an object of a man for his sexual gratification – is female genital mutilation. There are many cases of girls bleeding to death during this procedure, which often takes place at charlatans and shamans in secret, in improvised and unhygienic conditions. However, the police, criminal investigators, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor and the Family will must, at some point, investigate where and who performs female genital mutilation in Slovenia, if politicians, members of parliament and the media refuse to! This will probably only happen when one of the girls is about to bleed out to death or dies during this procedure forcing involved actors to take her to a state hospital, unless their relatives successfully bribe the staff.

The moral emptiness of the post-socialist female leader

In this 30-year post-socialist trauma in Slovenia, it seems that we have moral emptiness, even among so-called female leaders, feminists, university professors, politicians, high-ranking officials, heads of institutions and NGOs, humanitarian organisations and especially in the President’s office and in the Office of the Ombudsman.

All the women, institutions and offices mentioned in the article, by supporting Islamic migration from the Balkans, Africa, and Asia, essentially directly and indirectly, but above all, consciously accept and spread violence against women brought with Islam by Muslims from the Balkans, Africa and Asia to Slovenia! These migrations are the main reason for increases in violence against women in Slovenia!

Tanja Fajon is at the forefront of hiding, concealing this sad story of Muslim women, female genital mutilation, forced marriages, rapes by migrants with her commercial depravity and hypocrisy – for her Islam is a religion of peace and migration from the Balkans and migrants from Islam a cultural enrichment! According to her logic, the burqa, niqab, pedophilia, circumcision, buying and selling of women, and mass rape are a great cultural enrichment of Slovenia and Slovenes; a noble addition to the Baptism at Savica and Zdravljica!



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