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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Connoisseur of Islam on the current situation in Europe: Islam cannot be civilised, integrated, assimilated, and is common to anarchic-leftism!

Journalist, writer and traveller Gregor Preac has been working hard for the last six years to tell the left and the so-called good Catholics, who set a different face and help migrations in good faith to escape from war, that this is in fact a great deception of Islam: “90 percent of Muslims support the beheading of a French teacher, they have verbally desecrated a beheaded teacher, and protests against France are raging around the world. With 20,000 Islamic terrorist attacks a year, this is further clear evidence that Islam is the birthplace of violence, psychopathy, and sociopathy.” He points out that left-wing as well as neoliberal and globalist governments have all been too supportive of migration, for various reasons, which is why there are now over 20 million Muslims or four percent of the population in the EU.

“Read the Quran, which for Islam is ‘the only real book’ and a true Muslim knows it by heart. The Quran is the law, it is everything, everything is followed according to it in religion, culture, law, politics, education, society. Many theorists of religious and ideological books compare the Quran to Mein Kampf in terms of violence. Islam also kills those who renounce Islam, those who insult their families, and those who insult Muhammad, Allah, the Quran, in short, it kills all the time,” explains journalist, writer and traveller Gregor Preac about the foundations for the indoctrination of Muslims.

He points out that both left-wing and neoliberal and globalist governments have all too much supported migration, for various reasons, and that there are now over 20 million Muslims in the EU, or four per cent of the population, usually living in ghettos, not integrated into a parallel society. They live in a country within a country, where not even the police have access, and where about 20,000 mosques have been built. Around 700,000 migrants have passed through Slovenia since August 2015, which has opened a smuggling corridor for drugs and weapons. “Mafias are moving to Slovenia, the police, the administration and politics are being systematically bribed. As the mafias grow, they become stronger, richer, more professional than governments, countries, politicians, they buy the media and through them they influence public opinion,” Preac points out.

Preac further argues: “These media then indoctrinate the people of the West that migrants are refugees, the poor, needy, unaccompanied children, doctors of science themselves. In reality, however, they are the poorest part of Islam, sometimes prisoners released for this purpose, from the countryside, mostly illiterate or only with knowledge of the Arabic script, they are exclusively economic migrants who take a few women and children into their groups to cover and shield them, and to arouse mercy. In short, they are also the most religiously and totally indoctrinated, violent, quickly manipulated in the ghettos of European cities and the mosques there for jihad or holy war.”

Islam cannot civilise, integrate and assimilate

“Already, a strong hatred of the West is instilled in most Muslims through religion, propaganda, television and school. In Cairo, Muslim priests are even against football as an infidel Western party, as mosques are empty when there are important matches and then men prefer to sit in cafes with big TV screens and the mosque doesn’t get paid,” adds Preac. Preac says that Islam cannot be civilised, integrated and assimilated, because a religion with the image of its prophet, with the holy book, with hadith (sayings of Muhammad), Sunnah (customs; eye for an eye, honour killing), sharia (law; also limb cutting), is not separate from life, culture, art, school, state, society, and is therefore impossible to separate.

“I have been traveling, living, working around the world and Islam for 33 years, speaking their languages, delving into literature, the lives of Islamic people, writing articles, books, why Islam has so much poverty, illiteracy, gender inequality, religion, so much violence,” says Preac. He emphasises that he would like to help the people of Islam to become civilised so that the people of Islam can finally reach freedom of spirit, sex, sexuality, thought, art, knowledge and democracy. For the past six years, he has also been working hard to tell the left and the so-called good Catholics, who are setting a different face and help migrations in good faith that it is an escape from war, that this is in fact a great deception of Islam.

“Most people do not have this knowledge, logic, imagination, wisdom, responsibility, self-confidence to understand the virus, take it seriously, avoid it, and take active and preventive action against it. And they get sick, they die, or whole civilisations, nation, language, culture die. After the Arab-Islamic conquests, many languages, cultures, religions disappeared from Persia to Mauritania, from Pakistan to Malaysia. Egypt no longer speaks its Coptic language, neither does Lebanon speak Phoenician, and the Berber language is dying out after the Maghreb,” adds Preac.

Migration is about opening up human trafficking corridors, especially drugs

Migration requires water, food for the road and oil for the long voyage of boats across the sea. “In the meantime, they are supplied on the way by smugglers or ships of non-governmental organisations that cooperate with the mafia or are even part of the mafia,” Preac explains, adding, “boats need three days across the Mediterranean.” Most migrants come from countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and these countries are not at war so they cannot justify it as being refugees escaping war or justifying it for asylum. In between, there are also ten safe countries, including Turkey, where Slovenes went on holiday when crowds of migrants came from there at the same time. “It’s about opening up people’s smuggling corridors, and especially drugs,” Preac reveals the actual background. According to him, migration is driven by mafias and huge profits: some ten billion euros in mafia earnings since 2015 and at least another 100 billion euros in social transfers for intra-EU migration, money laundering.

“With the policies of Borut Pahor, Miro Cerar, Dejan Židan, Karel Erjavec, and today Luka Mesca, Tanja Fajon, Marjan Šarec, Alenka Bratušek (i.e. SD, Levica, LMŠ, SAB), almost 700,000 young migrants have come to the EU via Slovenia since August 2015, mostly Muslims, and the negative consequences of a free migration policy are already strong across Europe: Islamism, terrorism, beheadings, violence, crime, drugs, growing ghettos in major European cities, chaos in the streets, burning churches, and slowly attack on waterworks, museums, cultural institutions, and divisions in society, the growth of hatred, left and right extremism, Islamism,” explains Preac.

And why import Muslims into the EU at all?

Preac says there are many reasons and people involved in importing Muslims into the European Union. “There are many actors, interests and forces for migration to actually take place: cheap labour, ignorance, mafias, drugs, unsatisfied female sexuality and romance, the left looking for voters, false love of Catholics and Protestants and gay organisations, in short emptiness without responsibility, logic, knowledge and wisdom,” he said. He goes on to point out that the consequences of this cheapness, ideology, propaganda and simplicity are here and we will not get rid of them for a long time. The danger of a general clash of two civilisations is only increasing.

Why does anarchic-leftism help Islam, what are they so close to?

“Anarchic-leftism and Islam have in common that they are both violent and are forms of fascism. They are based on appropriation. They do not create, they do not invent, but they rob. Both are totalitarian, internationalist, empty, for people without logic, reason, destructive, parasitic, collectivist,” explains Preac. “Muslim leaders diplomatically condemn the attacks in Europe, but at the same time, like Erdogan, they are adding fuel. Muslim leaders, Muslims condemned the beheading of a French teacher only for foreign media, with a fig in their pocket. Such a temporary lie, an emergency denial, is permitted by Islam and is called takia, as well as kitman.”

If Islamic regimes thought honestly, they would also prevent anti-French demonstrations, the burning of French flags, a boycott of French shops and products. But they like to exploit and encourage them, even inventing them to avert anger from the authorities, to forget about poverty and violence in Islam itself. Otherwise, in such behaviour of Islam, I would suggest to Muslims that they therefore completely boycott Europe and emigrate to their ‘thriving,’ ‘democratic’ Muslim countries. But it is necessary for a Muslim to punish with death anyone who, according to them, offends Allah, Muhammad, the Quran. This is how the Quran, mosques, schools, the media and governments teach them,” explains Preac.

 “90 percent of Muslims support the beheading of a French teacher. On my travels, I was not allowed to have my own or a different opinion of Islam. Already some early attempts, even among the educated, ended badly. For blasphemy, all Islamic countries prescribe the death penalty or at least five years in prison. I was in Morocco where jihadists last year, beheaded two young Norwegians and even though they wrote wonderful tweets on social media about Islam as a religion of peace and prosperity,” he added.

“Otherwise, the true nature of Islam in Europe would be seen if migrants in asylum homes, Wahhabis, men after Friday prayers in the Ljubljana mosque were given automatic rifles,” Preac joked ironically. “Only then would we understand how civilised, integrated and assimilated Muslims are in Slovenia.” Religion that cuts heads for caricature, that cuts heads, that kills, is a caricature of itself,” Preac concludes.

Could Cerar’s and Pahor’s caravans of philanthropy, invented by RTV Slovenia journalists as refugees, be finally named with the right word: smuggling caravans or caravans of violence?

“I can’t wrap my neck around a chicken yet, but I am a racist and Islamophobe for anarchic-leftists,” says Preac, explaining the activities of Slovenia’s main media and left-wing politicians. “When Muslims cut off heads, for leftists, RTV Slovenia, POP TV, Delo, Večer, Dnevnik, Slovenske novice, Mladina, Merkel, Fajon, Cerar, Pahor, they are Vatican refugees, brothers from the faith of peace. They declare Muslims to be civilised, assimilated, but at the same time they say that you should not talk to them about religion.” And he asks himself, “Would you be beheaded if you told them a joke about Muhammad, showed them a caricature? You can talk openly about everything with a civilised and assimilated person. When Muslims can crack jokes and laugh at the expense of Allah, Muhammad, the Quran, they will be capable of civilisation, integration, assimilation, but not before.”

“We have to ask ourselves, as they ask in every good family, in every good company, what kind of member, what kind of worker we want, what we expect from him, when we separate from him if he does not meet the rules, expectations, or it turns out that he does not want to cooperate, it he wants to appropriate, exploit, cheat, rob, that he is not for the family, the company, that he destroys unity, he encourages and leads others into negativity, ”Preac thinks, adding that the state is just an extended family and company.

And in the end, Preac warns: “And remember that for the victory of fascism, Nazism, communism, the victory of any violent and conquering totalitarianism, a tenth of the population or even less is enough. The others will remain silent, hide, eventually join, cooperate.”


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