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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Abortion, the leading cause of death in 2020

By: V4 Agency

In 2020, abortion was the single largest cause of death. It ended the lives of over 42 million unborn babies, far exceeding cancer or coronavirus-related deaths.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic which swept across the world continues to wreak havoc, the virus claimed far fewer lives than abortion in 2020. Data provided by Worldometer reveals that there were 42.7 million unborn babies killed by abortion last year, a number that far outpaces any other causes of death including flu, the coronavirus or cancer.

One of the abortion industry’s main actors in the US is Planned Parenthood (PP), an organisation that runs abortion clinics. Over the years, many have criticised PP’s practices. Last summer more than one hundred black politicians have signed and sent a letter to Planned Parenthood, arguing that too many black lives are lost to abortion. The famous rapper, Kanye West also spoke out against the practice, saying Planned Parenthood engaged in is deliberately killing black people.

Billionaire stock market speculator George Soros also endorses Planned Parenthood, pumping significant amounts into the organisation that runs abortion clinics.

Although abortion claims the lives of a disconcertingly large number of babies, some survive the horrific procedure. This is a relatively taboo topic and there are more and more people who realise that they should not have been born, yet they are alive and healthy. Melissa Ohden, who spoke to V4NA last November, has a similar story.

In 1977 Melissa’s biological mother underwent an abortion procedure with saline injected into her uterus. Melissa should have been born dead, but she was born alive. She told V4NA that many – unaware that such a thing, surviving an abortion as a foetus, exists – initially believe that it was her who had an abortion, which she survived.

She also pointed out that late-term abortions typically happen because both the moms and their doctors believe that the women are in the early stages of pregnancy. This, however, is often not the case. Along with many others she knows about, she was already in her 31st week at the time of her mom’s failed abortion attempt.

The message Melissa Ohden wants to convey to people is that “there are some other choices,” and that abortion is not a solution. She called it a lifelong process to get through such an experience.


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