10.3 C
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The planned siege of the EU’s borders is moving into Turkey’s uncontrolled and aggressive behaviour

Turkey’s psychosis and the plight of its refugees and migrants in its territory towards the EU are anything but Turkey’s helplessness.

Particularly because, on the one hand, it is launching into fighting and military intervention on Syrian soil, where they lost 33 soldiers, which led their president to no longer keep all 3, 6 million refugees on his soil in Turkey.

And what is this new “Sultan” doing?

It neatly commands all carriers from the interior of the country, where large groups of immigrants are staying and whether or not they remain affiliated, especially since, in the meantime, certain groups have created a parallel structure through which this refugee is manipulated. As a result, hundreds of buses, tarpaulins and other convenient means of transportation headed for the Bulgarian, even more, to the Greek-Turkish border, from the Asian part of Turkey, especially from the Istanbul area. THEY ARE ALREADY THERE.

A fellow Bulgarian journalist and photojournalist who spent the night (Saturday to Sunday) and Sunday morning at the Pazarkula border crossing, experienced this apocalyptic situation, imposed on to us by Turkey, through a manipulation, called to send refugees to European borders. They uploaded refugees, who had lived peacefully and decently in the vicinity of Istanbul for a few years and they had to leave the houses and flats where they had been staying and they were just yelling Europe, Europe…. What is changed is that they now go to the European part of Turkey and they send them to the Bulgarian and Greek borders. Refugees have even been taught that they prefer the Greeks rather than the Bulgarians, because they are greeted at the Bulgarian border in an attempt of a violent invasion, with real charges.

On the Pazarkula border crossing (TUR-GR), which by the way is about 20 km away from the nearest Bulgarian one, has been leaning for several thousand in just two days. As it turned out, there were well-organized violent groups among them, the least of them they are refugees from Syria, with the aim of causing riots and attacks on police and other border services and the army in order to enter Greece and beyond into waves and stampedes.  The internally displaced refugees themselves even say that they are from Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Morocco and other areas where there are no hot spots. It is these bullies in the later stages what they can rightly fear, which are charged with doing everything in the name of their god, aggressive Islam and the destruction and physical destruction of Europe on European soil.

And what does our “aunt” Europe say?

First, if it is not decisive enough, it knows that it is not just something that is not true and if it is, that it is so far away, that it is already a real problem. Mainly based on the experience from year 2015 and beyond, especially because of the real “impact” and the bad and devastating impact on life in it and that the protection and deterrence in containment of waves, and the uncontrolled intrusion, happen or not at its external borders. These are Bulgaria and Greece. And they should be helped to stop them. The Bulgarians, their president, Boyko Borisov, and the line ministers have had military and police forces and an axis at the border for some time. Frontlex is also present in both but this is not enough. The President of the European Council, Charles Michel and the President of the European Commission, Von der Leyenova, have therefore also promised a swift response to the blackmail of Turkey and Erdogan. Boyko Borisov will be with Erdogan tomorrow morning.

Conversations must be urgently and promptly backed up by reactions and actions, common of course. Otherwise, the prospects are bad for this “aunt” Europe in order to reach a deep age in such a large family.

Europe is now sufficiently underwhelmed and driven out, we no longer want and should not want more!


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