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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Germany: Police statistics show that murder and manslaughter are mostly committed by asylum seekers

Celebrate diversity! Refugees welcome! They are not dangerous, they are in danger!

“Federal Criminal Police Office: Murder and manslaughter is the specialty of asylum seekers in Germany!,” translated from “Bundeskriminalamt: Mord und Totschlag ist das Spezialgebiet der Asylbewerber in Deutschland!,” by Michael van Laack, Philosophia Perennis, October 18, 2020 (thanks to Medforth):

We received shocking news from France a few days ago. But we don’t have to look over the Seine to be able to make the sad statement: “People with a southern appearance”, who enrich us with Muslim moral concepts and African culture, like to solve problems with their neighbors with finality. Because one who is dead does not bother them anymore!

According to a special evaluation of the Police Criminal Statistics (PKS) carried out by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), almost every seventh person who has been suspected of manslaughter or murder since 2015 has been an asylum seeker, a person entitled to protection, a quota refugee or a tolerated person. For other “crimes against people” (serious or dangerous bodily harm), it is more than one in eight.

Has the BKA been infiltrated by Nazis?



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