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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Žan Mahnič poured pure wine to Milan Brglez: Now is not the time for a meeting, but for the activation of Article 37.a of the Defense Act for the Protection of the Southern Border!

“When you support Article 37.a of the Defense Act, proposed by @policija_si and @vladaRS, that we will successfully prevent Islamic terrorists from entering the EU at the border, we will believe that you are serious. Until then, however, you proponents of open borders are complicit in these murderous events. Come to your senses!” harshly said Žan Mahnič, State Secretary for National Security, about migrants, thus grounding Milan Brglez from the SD party, who would rather deal with meetings and wording, although the situation after the recent terrorist attacks in Europe is clearer than ever. Only the military can secure the southern border and prevent the onslaught of illegals and infiltrated terrorists and massacres across Europe.


State Secretary for National Security Žan Mahnič clearly wrote on Twitter what Slovenia needs in the face of numerous Islamist terrorist campaigns in Europe, namely the activation of Article 37a of the Defence Act, which would give the army full powers to protect the southern border with Croatia, which would prevent Islamic terrorists from entering the EU. In addition to the shocking terrorist attacks in France and Austria, a member of the SD party, Milan Brglez, proposed a meeting of the SNAV, to which all parliamentary parties should also be invited.

According to Brglez, the situation in Slovenia and beyond should be discussed and assessed there on the basis of a report from the competent services. Already in 2016, the Slovenian Army was granted temporary authorisations to protect the border on the basis of Article 37a. In the spring, however, the opposition opposed this same measure, which they themselves supported 4 years ago, which is downright scandalous. Austria has 3,000 troops on its borders, and no political party in Austria is making a problem. “Slovenian soldiers, whose life mission is to defend the borders of the Republic of Slovenia, can now only silently observe illegal migrants as tourists invading the territory of Slovenia, they are not even allowed to stop them,” SDS MP Branko Grims explained the reasons for activating Article 37a.

But the fact is that both the SD party and the wider opposition have bloody hands when they stand against the activation of the already mentioned article, as migrants who cross our southern border illegally mostly continue their journey to other European countries, where some of them also carry out terrorist attacks. Among other things, years ago there were at least four terrorists from Syria who set out on the Balkan route, travelled to the West and planned attacks across Europe. But this fact obviously does not bother our virtuous leftists. This can be quickly clear; as individual members of the SD party are involved in the smuggling of migrants. Some time ago, in connection with the migrant crisis, there was a scandal like no other.

In the illegal business of smuggling illegal migrants, the police caught none other than the former candidate of the SD party in the European elections, Lidija Mavretič. The SD party then said that Mavretič was no longer active in the party after 2004, but the facts speak for themselves. Just last April, the most famous smuggler of migrants was present at the congress of the SD party. It is extremely worrying what kind of example they set in this party, in which they repeatedly emphasize the importance of principle and respect for the law. Is it their celebrated rule of law?


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