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Monday, March 24, 2025

The Left’s Treacherous Ascend To Power, For Which It Used Undemocratic And Immoral Means

By: Milan Gregorič

With its decades-long pathological war against Janez Janša, with the attempts of judicial and media political assassinations of opponents (through the affairs of Depala vas, Patria, Trenta, the illegal deprivation of the mandate of an MP, and so on), with the abuse of the covid crisis for the overthrow of the Jaša government…

… by slandering political opponents with lies and expressions that belong only in an unkempt, backwards dump, and by controlling most of the levers of real social power (capital, media, repressive organs, civil society, and others), the Slovenian left has managed to get back to power over and over again.

Abuse of the judiciary, various institutions, the media and civil society
In short, what the left has been doing is a textbook example of abuses of the judiciary, the monopolised media, civil society and other institutions – and all of these have been done in a way that even Putin would not shy away from, and they should be described in textbooks of faculties law and social sciences all around the world. And let’s not even get into the unsolved, treacherous physical murder of Ivan Kramberger. And this time, things have gone far enough that the leaders of the parties which were spat out of parliament by the electorate (the List of Marjan Šarec – LMŠ and the Party of Alenka Bratušek – SAB) were picked up from the roadside ditch by Golob and – in a mockery of democracy – appointed to leading positions in the government. Aljuš Pertinač remarked in horror that “fortunately, when reading about this in the media, people can’t see my hair stand on end. This is necrophilia, the resurrection of dead political zombies.” Meanwhile, in 2014, with the complicity of the courts, Janša was almost literally thrown in jail just a few weeks before the elections. His opponent, the highly ethical Constitutional Court Judge Miro Cerar, who must have been aware of the dirty game he was being pushed into, probably looked away in shame, but at the same time, without any moral scruples, sneakily stuffed the results of this blatant electoral fraud into his sack.

The “Golob project” or the left-wing political mafia is hard at work again
In a well-intentioned letter from the apparently well-informed R.H. to the party bosses of the so-called Constitutional Arch Coalition (“Koalicija ustavnega loka – KUL” in Slovenian), which are actually the left-wing parties of the previous opposition (the letter was published on the Siol.net web portal on the 10th of February 2022), we can read, among other things, the following story in connection with the launching of Golob as a candidate for the new Prime Minister: after Erjavec had made a fool of himself and it became clear that Vesel had dropped out as a candidate because of the UEFA’s million-dollar fee, after Čeferin refused the offer, and Fajon and the other members of the Constitutional Arch Coalition failed to bring down the Janša government, a small circle of organisers who pull the strings of Slovenian politics from behind the scenes (“Kučan,Spomenka, Milenko, Drago, Božo, Ivan, Stane, Rado, Tine,…”), often met in different configurations and “drew up a plan to help the Constitutional Arch Coalition win the next elections…

Golob was shortlisted as a candidate, “for he fits the profile of a person who could intervene in the centre and bring the left the necessary points for victory.” He had a number of qualities that the godfathers from the background set as a condition for the selection of the candidate so that he could appeal to the less informed, confused, or politically illiterate centre voters, who make their decisions at the last minute. He is a “verified person… A defender of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia, but not a very outstanding one, and a successful manager. And a skilful rhetorician who is able to stay on the level of general formulations and promises that sound attractive to voters… He is sufficiently connected to the sentiment of a clean environment… He has a modern outward appearance to appeal to younger voters… And since people are tired of restrictions, the candidate must not be burdened with any clear positions on the epidemic, nor should he be an anti-vaxxer, or a supporter of any measures.” He was then gradually promoted in public, and Kučan “positioned” (read: “imposed”) him as part of the Constitutional Arch Coalition parties, aware that, especially in the Social Democrats party (SD), “some comrades would feel threatened by that.”

Fajon, as one of the first SD party candidates for Prime Minister, had a slip-up in front of the cameras and, with a smile on her face, showed us her true feelings about this humiliating and insulting game. Kučan allegedly also engaged some of his “important friends,” who supposedly also have access to people in the former Modern Centre Party (Stranka modernega centra – SMC), the New Slovenia party (Nova Slovenija – NSi) and even the Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS), so, members of all parties of the former coalition, who could have helped with the project. “At the same time, Milenko and Drago and their teams were preparing everything that was needed for the project at the national media outlet RTV and the largest commercial television station POP TV, for the big bang moment,” when the project would be officially launched in public. Nothing was left to chance. “Internal public opinion polls were being prepared, which started to show good results for Golob.”

The game was somewhat spoiled by Golob himself, who, against the will of the “directors” of this whole spiel, positioned himself a bit too far to the left with various public statements, and he also misrepresented the size of his income. The Janša side added its part by bringing to light Golob’s past involvement in several parties (Liberal Democracy of Slovenia, Zares – Social Liberals, Positive Slovenia, SAB) and his dismissal from the post of Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Economy under the LDS government because of corruption allegations, and by revealing his still unsolved controversial deals and transactions in the Balkans.

The author of the letter in question noted that “this has left Golob as open as a can, and exposed to attacks from the Janša phalanx, which is hitting him in his most vulnerable points… And that shows us that this is no longer the year 2014 when Patria could be easily organised and communicated.” He, therefore, advised the Constitutional Arch Coalition “to be careful and not allow him to be imposed on them as a player who is above them.” And besides, Golob is supposedly known for not really being a “team player.”

The author of the letter also wondered how come Kučan did not see this and asked the Constitutional Arch Coalition parties to go to him together and ask him to stop forcing Golob on everyone. But Kučan’s mighty behind-the-scenes wheel, through its control of the main levers of real social power that we already mentioned, has done its job. The candidate’s skeletons, including Golob’s deception of the public when it comes to his personal income, were diligently swept under the carpet by the mainstream media, he was widely promoted as the new messiah on every screen and newspaper page, and so he triumphed.

The fate of fraudulent left-wing governments and their Prime Ministers
None of the left-wing governments after 2008 finished their mandate (Pahor, Bratušek, Cerar, Šarec), their Prime Ministers ended up on the political periphery, and, in most cases, their parties dropped out of parliament (Positive Slovenia, SAB, LMŠ). With the exception of Pahor, who later became President of the Republic with the overwhelming support of the electorate, the demise of the SD party in 2022 was the collateral damage of the “Golob project.” And in regard to the new government, I agree with Dr Stane Granda, who wrote somewhere that “it does not need enemies at all,” as it is its own worst enemy. It is also very obvious that Golob, with his “God’s infallibility complex,” is in for a very miserable time, which is already beginning to erode him with the first swallowed promises he has made. The behind-the-scenes directors who have turned him into a minor deity are not the least bit interested in his personal fate, and, like other political corpses, they will get rid of him in no time and leave him in the first roadside ditch that comes their way.

Namely, the red political background ruthlessly writes off anyone who fails to deliver the desired results in the expected time. For what is essential to them is the state budget which they have reached through these people they use for their own plans, and they want to stay latched on to the budget for as long as possible, with any new puppet at the head of the government.


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