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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

President of SDS, Janez Janša, announced an interpellation against the Minister of Public Administration, who has become entangled in scandals

By: Ž. K. (Nova24TV.si)

The President of SDS announced on the social network X an interpellation against the Minister of Public Administration, Sanja Ajanović Hovnik. She has been involved in two scandals in recent days. However, as Janša points out, the state has other problems that the government is not addressing.

“To ease the government’s suffering and allow the authorities to deal with other pressing issues, the SDS parliamentary group will file an interpellation against Minister of Public Administration Sanja Ajanović Hovnik. We expect the same result as with the previous right hand of Prime Minister Golob, Minister Loredan,” wrote Janša on X.

As Janša stated, the Minister of Public Administration has been the central topic in Slovenia for the past 10 days, but Slovenia is facing numerous other problems, such as the fact that the government has been without a proper Minister of Health for three months, post-disaster recovery is far from optimal, the migrant pressure is worse than in 2015, and citizens are facing high prices of energy and other essential goods with the upcoming heating season.

Minister caught in a whirlwind of scandals

Sanja Ajanović Hovnik first got entangled in a scandal due to her excessively expensive trip to New York, which, according to many, was unnecessary, and there was no need for such a large delegation to attend. More – HERE – in Slovene. The Prime Minister did express his support for her. Then, another scandal emerged, related to the non-transparent distribution of taxpayers’ money to non-governmental organisations. Furthermore, a close friend of hers and former business partner, Kaja Primorac, leads the non-governmental organisation that received €300,000 in funding from a public tender. Another organisation connected to her mother was charging fees for preparing tender documentation for the organisations applying for the tender. More – HERE – in Slovene.


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