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Monday, March 17, 2025

Kalergi plan and the hidden interests behind mass immigration

The issue of mass immigration is currently dividing the European public. While those on the left are in favor of open borders policy and mass immigration from the third world, the numbers of those Europeans that believe that the multicultural experiment has fail is on the rise. They believe that we need stronger border controls which will stop the waves of immigrants coming to Europe. In every case it’s becoming clear that the elites from Brussels have some personal interests hidden behind their support for mass immigration. The new ambiguous laws and declarations which will allow even more steady migrations are certainly not just the result of some misgiven humanitarianism of those elites. But the main questions rising among Europeans are, what are those hidden interests? Why are many European leaders ready to risk their reputations, and even their votes, because of their almost fanatical support for mass immigration from the Middle East and Africa to our old continent?

If we want to know the answers to this questions, we have to research the so called »Kalergi plan«, which can help us understand the real goals behind the happenings in Europe today, and behind this seemingly irrational support for mass immigration. The man behind this ominous plan was Richard von Coudenhove Kalergi, one of the main architects and ideologues of European Union, but in spite of his important role in the creation of the EU, he remains unknown to the general public in Europe today.

Ideological Father of the European Union

Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, who was one of the first proponents of the European integrations and the founder of the Paneuropean Union, is regarded as the ideological father of the European Union. It was on his suggestion that the Beethoven’s 9th Symphony of his famous Ode to Joy composition became the hymn of Europe, and he also worked closely with the team that designed the flag of European Union. But his influence didn’t stop with the hymns or flags. It ran much deeper, to the very foundations of the EU. It was him who has through his works laid the blueprint of the EU, by advocating the unification of European states into one Paneuropean entity.

Kalergi who, as we shall see, announced the coming of the new racially mixed man, was himself of racially mixed background. He was half Austrian, half Japanese, born in Tokyo in 1894, where his father, a diplomat and a member of the nobility, served as the ambassador to the Austro Hungarian Empire. He spent most of his youth on the family estate in Czechoslovakia, until 1908 when he went to study in Vienna, where he continued to live and work after his studies. He joined the prominent Masonic Grand Lodge Humanitas in 1921, and founded his movement the Paneuropean Union a year later. This movement mostly stood for European integrations, which would result in the creation of the United States of Europe with one common market, common currency and an unrestricted, free movement of the population. The colonies which some European countries held at that time would also be incorporated into this new European super-state, which would in fact enable mass migrations of Africans into Europe. Kalergi claimed that a lasting peace could be achieved only with the abolition of the nation states which were in his opinion, because of their everlasting rivalries, the main reason for wars in Europe. This were the main ideas and principles which Kalergi explained in his Paneuropean Manifesto, published in 1923.

Support of the international bankers

Kalergi’s proposals, views and ideas gained a lot of attention and support among many important politicians of that era, including Ignaz Seipel, who served twice as Federal Chancellor of Austria, Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Karl Renner, the first President of Czechoslovakia Tomaš Masaryk, the first Czechoslovakian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and its second president, Edvard Beneš, French president and Nobel prize winner Aristide Briand, French politician, who later on served as the President of France three times, Leon Blum, and Austrian politician and lawyer Konrad Adenauer, who later became Chancellor of West Germany.

But it wasn’t just the politicians who supported the ideas and views of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. He also gained a lot of support among influential bankers. After he published his most important work titled Practical Idealism in 1925, in which he described in detail his vision of future Europe, his Paneuropean Movement received a generous donation of 60,000 German Goldmarks from an international banker Max Warburg. Kalergi came in contact with Max Warburg through Baron Louis Rothschild, a prominent member of the famous banking Rothschild family, which is known as one of the richest families in the world even today.  The Rothschilds were of course also big supporters of Kalergi and of his plans for the creation of Pan Europe, the super state which would unite all European nations into a single entity. With the help of the Rothschilds and Max Warburg, Kalergi became acquainted with many influential bankers from Wall Street such as Paul Warburg, the brother of Max Warburg, Jacob Schilf and Bernard Baruch. Paul Warburg and Jacob Schilf are also known as the people who helped establish the American Federal Reserve Bank. But what is even more interesting, is the fact that the above mentioned Jacob Schilf, a known capitalist, financed the Russian revolution and the Bolsheviks, and  it was him who gave Trotsky the financial means for his return to Russia.

Many people saw Kalergi’s endeavors for European integrations and a United Europe as a noble cause. They believed that his main objective was to raise the standard of living and to achieve an everlasting peace, because he himself used this kind of rhetoric, when preaching about his ideals; he claimed that he is fighting for the prosperity of the whole humankind. But hidden beneath this noble humanistic rhetoric, were not so noble personal interests of his main financial supporters. The crisis that we are witnessing in Europe today are in fact the direct consequences of their goals and of their struggle, which is still being presented as some kind of a humanistic effort.

»The man of the future will be of mixed race«

The main goal of Kalergi’s plans was not just the abolition of the national states. He went much further than that, as he also wanted to erase the European nations, which would be replaced with the new kind of people, who would fit better into his vision of a future European super state. He described this new type of man in his above mentioned book, Practical Idealism:

»The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the current diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. «

And it was precisely this vision of the future citizen of Europe that delighted the international elite of bankers, freemasons and other influential businessmen, which started to finance the Paneuropean Union, after the publication of Practical Idealism. It was this same elite that helped Kalergi to immigrate to the United States at the outbreak of the Second World War, where he continued his work and struggle for the European integrations. While in the USA, he also gained a lot of support from major newspapers, such as The New York Times, which published his articles on regular basis. Kalergi’s ideas even gained support from U.S. President Harry Truman after the war, when he stumbled upon an article written by Kalergi in some newspaper. As for Kalergi himself, he moved to France after the war, where he continued with his efforts towards the establishment of the European super state. He was a pioneer of the European integrations and he also set the foundations for a new world order in which the diverse nations will disappear through the mixing of different  peoples, and will gradually be replaced by one monotone population, or in different words, by one human herd controlled by the international elites.

Pioneer of Multiculturalism

Kalergi’s ideas and views represent the plan for the demographic replacement of native Europeans through race mixing and planned mass migration. Keep in mind that Kalergi also included African colonies in his new Pan Europe, which would mean that the population of the black continent could freely move to Europe. The consequences of this would be of course a new population of mongrels, without a clearly defined identity, or a sense of belonging and loyalty to any particular culture or nation. And that is exactly the kind of population that would suit the international elites, because they are well aware that it is easier to control the masses of individuals. These elites crave total power over us, and they know that they could never achieve complete domination over the once homogenous nations of Europe, which would always stay loyal to their own tradition, culture and religion. So the only way for them to achieve total domination is by mixing different peoples and races into one human herd, which is exactly what Kalergi advocated in his plans. These plans are being put into action by certain elites from Brussels exactly for the above reasons. Their main goal is the creation of a new totalitarianism of political correctness under the mask of human rights. That is the real reason behind their constant support for mass immigration, for Marrakesh declaration type documents and resolutions that they are pushing, and for their praise of the supposedly so enriching multiculturalism that they are promoting through mainstream media every day. So it turns out that Kalergi was not only a pioneer of European integrations, but was also a pioneer of multiculturalism,and an architect of a new world order.


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