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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Is Tanja’s Brussels “proof-reader” Jure actively involved in the “proofreading” of pre-election confrontations?

By: Peter T.

Remember Jure Tanko, the Brussels assistant to Tanja Fajon, the president of the Social Democrats and the MEP, who intervened in the preparation of the report of the European Parliament’s LIBE committee of inquiry? Well, Tanko, who meanwhile took on the name “proof-reader”, appeared in pre-election confrontations.

At Monday’s pre-election confrontation on POP TV, Jure Tanko, Tanja Fajon’s Brussels assistant, appeared in her company and, judging by the photo, helped her prepare for the confrontation. The problem is that there are special rules in the European Parliament on the separation of labour between a political party and an MEP. It is quite possible that Tanko took a leave of absence and helped Fajon in his spare time.

Jure Tanko became famous at the end of last year, when it was revealed that he had participated in the preparation of the report of the European Parliament’s LIBE committee of inquiry. Fajon, who was not a member of the LIBE mission, responded that Tanko had proofread the report.

Let’s remember. From October 13th to 15th last year, the mission of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs (LIBE) checked the situation in the field of the rule of law, freedom of the media and the fight against corruption in Slovenia. It prepared a mission report (together with a report on the findings of a similar September mission in Slovakia and Bulgaria). Among other things, the report said that the committee’s delegation expressed deep concern over the climate of hostility, mistrust, and deep polarisation in Slovenia, which undermined trust in and among various public bodies. The European Parliament’s mission consisted of seven members or alternates of the LIBE Committee, one from each political group and a Member of the Committee on Budgetary Control. Among them was MEP Romana Tomc (EPP/SDS), an alternate member of the LIBE committee.


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