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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Health Minister Poklukar: Put all doubts and fears aside. Choose health, choose vaccination


Friday’s press conference, dedicated to COVID-19, focused on the Vaccination Days campaign, which will take place between 19 and 23 December. Participants in the press conference included the Minister of Health Janez Poklukar, Commander of the Slovenian Civil Protection Force Srečko Šestan and the General Secretary of Red Cross Slovenia Cvetka Tomin.

As Minister Poklukar explained, during the campaign vaccination centres in Slovenia will be open from 8 am to 8 pm, and in every statistical region a vaccination centre or vaccination point will also be open during the night (from 8 pm to 8 am). Mobile units will be organised in all municipalities. None of the vaccination points or mobile units will require a prior appointment for vaccination. Appointments will be required only for children aged 5–11. Everywhere it will be possible to choose your vaccine.

Minister Poklukar listed the centres where vaccinations will be available 24 hours a day: Ljubljana University Medical Centre, University Clinic Golnik, Nova Gorica General Hospital, Sežana Medical Centre, Izola General Hospital, Postojna Medical Centre, Novo mesto Medical Centre, Brežice General Hospital, Celje General Hospital, Slovenj Gradec Medical Centre, Murska Sobota Medical Centre, Maribor Medical Centre and Maribor University Medical Centre. Vaccinations will be possible from 8 am to 8 pm in 62 vaccination centres.

The main goal of the campaign, said the minister, was to achieve as high a vaccination rate as possible. He thanked all employed in primary healthcare as he believed much effort had been invested in this campaign. Special thanks also go to mayors, civil protection teams, the Red Cross and other NGOs, as well as all those who are helping these days in any way to achieve a sufficient vaccination rate.

Minister Poklukar emphasised that healthcare workers wanted to send all the country’s citizens the same message: “Get vaccinated. Put all doubts and fears aside as the vaccines have proven to be effective and safe. Choose health, choose vaccination.”

Minister Poklukar also announced that he would begin a government discussion concerning limiting the validity of the EU Digital COVID Certificate. He said he would follow the EU discussion and propose that the validity of the certificate is limited to 270 days after the primary vaccination and that the proposal is put into effect from 1 February 2022 onwards.

The Commander of the Slovenian Civil Protection Force Srečko Šestan believes that vaccination is the measure that will help us control the epidemic satisfactorily, so he supports the Vaccination Days campaign. He is pleased with all the positive messages he is receiving during preparations for the Vaccination Days.

The General Secretary of Red Cross Slovenia Cvetka Tomin called on everyone to do all they can so we can beat this epidemic together. We are in favour of all measures being taken to achieve this and for them to be accessible to all people. She thanked all the Red Cross volunteers and employees for all the effort they are putting in these days.

Source: gov.si



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