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Thursday, March 20, 2025

The Slovenian reality: a ham sandwich would be elected if the left supported him as a presidential candidate

By: Jože Biščak

As an everyman, Logar is a flawed human being. Quite logical. Everyone has good and bad sides. But the criticism he received from the media mainstream and ideological opponents somehow “skipped” it, focusing only on anti-Janša tactics. This thousand times used strategy worked again.

Luka Lisjak Gabrijelčič was right, saying that the presidential race will revolve around Logar and that Nataša Pirc Musar will be placed in the role of Not-Logar candidate. Although he entered the race with a lighter baggage than Pirc Musar, the left-leaning media, especially the leaders of the confrontations, added only two types of bricks to his baggage daily: SDS and Janez Janša.

It worked again. Like countless times before. Neither the March 8th Institute nor the Glas ljudstva organisation, nor Milan Kučan and his comrades are responsible for the victory of Pirc Musar, least of all the candidate herself, who was not convincing, her performances were disastrous. The ‘merit’ goes mostly to the exposure of Slovenians to more than 75 years of indoctrination, which turned them into brainwashed zombies. It is hard to even think with your head if the educational system feeds you with leftism from kindergarten to work, later the acquired ‘knowledge’ is consolidated by the media mainstream. The leftist elites then have an easy job in the elections: they find the sheep and drive them to the polls. To voters so emotional and scared of the right, who have lost all rationality, the left can offer a ham sandwich – and the voters will vote for it. And there are always 80 percent of left-wing voters who do exactly that.

Whatever I watched or read about the presidential candidates, when it came to Logar everything revolved around SDS and Janez Janša. Did you support ‘controversial’ measures during the Chinese virus pandemic? Do you agree with the SDS president’s posts on social networks? Why did you not respond if you have a different point of view than Janša? And so on – to abortion and same-sex marriage.

I did not see the media emphasis (at least not that it was emphasised in his previous work as a politician) that Logar, as the chairman of the parliamentary investigative commission on banks, exposed the laundering of Iranian money (about 1.8 billion dollars) in the largest state bank at the time, which was the biggest financial scandal in independent Slovenia. Not only that. Logar always had a positive attitude, a conciliatory tone, and the intonation was oriented towards the future. He should have easily won the second round.

But not in Slovenia, where everything, even the parallel mechanism, is held in the hands of the deep state, which directs the media from this topic to other trivial topics: that Logar is a member of the SDS, that he was the foreign minister in the centre-right government, and that he and Janša are friends. Which means that he is automatically unsuitable for any exposed political office in Slovenia. And on this carousel, the entire presidential race took place around Logar. I am not even talking about the accusations of leftists that he “hopped on the bandwagon of nationalism, homophobia, misogyny, and the production of hatred”. Including the Gibanje Svoboda congress on the day of the election silence, where the main focus was again on Janša. The message was clear: Janša is Logar, and Logar is Janša.

In a mature democracy, not to say a free country, where everyone would like the president to become someone who would represent Slovenia in such a way that we would not be ashamed, opinions and confrontations would be focused on the actions of the candidate, not on the media impressions (seen from a distance). Most of the enemies of the right have never met either Janša or Logar in their life, but they still talk about them as fascists or supporters of fascists. The anti-Janša syndrome is transmitted to everyone who was, is, and will be in contact with him. At the same time, they are unable to explain logically and argumentatively what they have against Janša. Media coverage of anti-Janša and the usual ‘suspects’ with Logar at the helm is an irrational thing for a common-sense person to do, but if on the other side you have unthinking and uninformed voters who still believe that a cow in the dark is actually black, then the presidential race for you is like walking through the drops.

Anže Logar is a moderate centre-right politician (even too moderate for my taste). He entered the match unencumbered by affairs or serious complaints about his performance, which is more the exception than the rule with candidates. Therefore, all the activists on the left could produce was just the rotten sediment in their little minds. Unfortunately, these sediments were toxic enough to trap voters. Again.


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