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Mandatory solidarity

Ivan Šokić

On 23 September 2020, the European Commission presented a new pact on migration and asylum. It immediately became clear that there was no help for the European Union. Whoever is on the side of the EU is against the nation states, is against independent Slovenia. And whoever is for the continued existence of nation-states cannot be for the EU. These are two points that are mutually exclusive.


Given how the migrant crisis has been breaking a lance over the common European migrant policy since 2015, it was expected that the Brussels elite would approach the matter with somewhat more realistic goals. It turned out that such thinking was too optimistic – it was downright naive.

The EU, with all its advocates of unbridled migration to Europe, the settlement of all the poor, the poor and the hungry from Africa and Asia, is increasingly portraying how little it cares about Europeans, about Europe’s indigenous population. The same applies to many Europeans as well. Geographical Western Europe is drowning in puddles of its own blood while still screaming about its white guilt. Disgusting. Central Europe, led by the Visegrad, still has a backbone. Slovenia is waiting on the sidelines, Croatia is bowing to Germany, and Italy is stressing that everyone else must take on the migrant burden, which they caused themselves.

Once again we can point out that everything that was “non-binding” in the infamous Marrakesh Political Declaration and the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is now becoming a plan for the EU to formulate future migration legislation on. From political commissars who will persecute “racism”, which can include any negative reporting on migrants, to the increasing pressure upon countries that do not want to bow to the will of Brussels.

The new pact on migration and asylum was created under the watchful eye of Swedish European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylve Johansson. The fact that the Swedish Commissioner for Home Affairs is in charge of drafting an agreement on migration and asylum policy in the EU is distasteful. What a bad joke! Fools, in whose country due to migration, rape has become a national sport and throwing grenades a hobby, now dictate to others how, why and in what way they should accept illegal migrants among themselves. Wonderful crazy world!

This was set by the Brussels parasites this time with Orwellian morbidity. The new invention of these worm-tongues is called the “obligatory solidarity mechanism”. As these modern scribes explain, there are no migrant quotas as such. There are countries that will be willing to accept “irregular” migrants, and there are countries that will not be willing to do that. The latter will have to take care of and finance the departure of the unwanted back to their homelands. If they do not do so within eight months, they must simply accept “helpless” illegal migrants. You see, you have to be sympathetic. Not because you want to, but because Brussels has ordered it. You must be sympathetic! You must show solidarity with illegal migrants who bring with them a foreign culture, a foreign religion, crime, a lack of any desire for assimilation and generally with their existence pose an existential threat to the indigenous population, or else! The EU promises fines for countries unwilling to submit and threatens to sue. And all this in the name of solidarity and, somehow, human rights.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the EU has for a long time been more than just an economic union. It has become an occupying force. The occupied countries are the EU member states. This blue star-spangled flag fills me with disgust. Everything it represents, everything the EU stands for, is in stark contrast to what is good for the people of Europe. If I have to choose between Europe and the EU, I will choose Europe.

If I have to choose between preserving Western civilization or importing foreign barbarians, I will choose to preserve the West. If I have to choose between Christian Europe and a Europe where the rules are dictated by worm-tongues who refer to human rights, then they can stuck somewhere their human rights and themselves go to the countries from which they want to attract migrants. It is not fair that only these migrants must “enrich” Europe. It would only be fair for Europe to send all advocates of migration to Africa and Asia. A one-way ticket would suffice. After all, we must show solidarity.


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