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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Juvenile abuse of Christian democracy

By: Dr Stane Granda

Parties that identified with Christian democracy have typically enjoyed great respect in Europe, even among their opponents, thanks to the integrity of their members and leaders. We do not need to look for foreign examples, as we have outstanding cases in Slovenian political history. Let me mention just Dr Janez Evangelist Krek and Dr Andrej Gosar, whom even the embodiment of Marxism and Leninism, Edvard Kardelj, respected.

Let us remember how Slovenian Christian Democrats were the leading force in Demos. Andrej Bajuk, who was equally respected abroad and in Slovenia, was never a subject of ridicule – except among certain political underlings. Even the king of Slovenian intolerance, Milan Kučan, managed to restrain himself, merely attempting to discredit Bajuk from behind the scenes as an ‘Argentinian Slovene’ and, despite his 1943 birth, as a ‘domobranec’ (a controversial WWII Slovenian anti-communist figure). Among current members of parliament, Jože Horvat, who celebrates 20 years of parliamentary work this year, enjoys a level of respect that most of his colleagues can only dream of. He is joined by Iva Dimic and, increasingly, Vida Čadonič Špelič. Due to his stance on social issues, Janez Cigler Kralj sometimes reminds us of the true spiritual roots and practical work of fundamental Christian Democrats. With all this in mind, one must wonder why the party has not been more successful over the past three decades. The answer lies in its current ‘Toninism’ – the wrong people in the wrong places, spiritual emptiness, superficiality, lack of knowledge, political incivility, lack of principles, and much else tied to incompetence. Wishing and wanting are not enough; one must also be capable! We know the road to hell is paved with good intentions based on total ignorance. Ljudmila Novak’s choice to make Tonin her successor, after her successful return to parliament, is one of the greatest mistakes – at the very least – of Slovenian post-independence politics. He would be better suited to leading the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia or Golob’s Gibanje Svoboda. Christian democracy is neither a mystery nor unfamiliar to him, but he lacks any basic talent for it. He does not even understand its ABCs!

Slovenia is in the most endangered state of its sovereignty. The ruling coalition systematically steamrolls over all the gains and values of independence. The Speaker of Parliament, as demonstrated by her treatment of the opposition – an essential pillar of democracy – seems personally committed to its eradication. We cannot overlook Tonin’s collaboration, which, by taking over certain parliamentary committees, makes him complicit in the destruction of the foundational structures of democracy. The parliamentary rules of procedure and traditions of parliamentary order and work represent the finest patina of democracy. Instead of uniting with the opposition to defend parliamentary principles, even with international support if needed, Tonin contributes to its internal ruin with juvenile behaviour. He takes on the role of Kučan’s so-called ‘noble right-wing,’ a negative caricature of Christian democracy, devoid of both Christianity and democracy. It is a kind of new Liberation Front, one that would never need a Dolomite Declaration. A disgrace in every sense. Peterle offered him an elegant exit from these tragic conditions and the darkest of futures, yet he persists. Apparently, he wants to remain in the opposition indefinitely, which is an ideal position for the lazy and unambitious. You complain, criticise, and scold, but in reality, you sell yourself for a few pieces of silver. Continuing down this path will eventually lead to the end of Slovenia as an independent state. It will become a satellite of Belgrade, with prevailing Belgrade culture, which Ljubljana’s mayor, Janković, is widely opening the doors to. Remember, it was Rop who installed him, and now he wants to rise to the top of Slovenia’s financial pyramid. Against this backdrop, the sale of fundamental structures in the Slovenian food industry already seems akin to a liquidation. Slovenian culture and history are likewise being erased, as shown by the renaming of the Primorska holiday, which nullifies Slovenian identity. Primorska was annexed to Yugoslavia, not Slovenia, which it had always been a part of. It could not have been annexed to Slovenia because Slovenia did not exist as an independent state. Anyone who does not understand this concept does not understand the idea of a United Slovenia. RTV Slovenia already proclaims the Slovenian language as a regional language. Of what?

What Kučan could not achieve – since an independent Slovenian state was never his personal option – will be carried out by his indirect collaborator. Unfortunately, this individual does not know or understand that he no longer truly leads his party but instead accepts its key decisions from an unfulfilled constitutional judge who understands Christian democracy about as much as a rabbit understands a drum. He is deaf and blind to it! His sailboat matters more to him than the Slovenian state.

Once again, it is becoming clear in independent Slovenia that the greatest, even mortal enemies of Slovenian identity – are the Slovenians themselves!


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