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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Golob, can opener and tribal morals

By: Jože Biščak

After all, without being born saviours, the mask of a messianic mission was given to them by the deep state with the help of the media mainstream. Then they themselves began to believe that they were messiahs. If the biblical characters really brought liberation and salvation, above all they kept their word, it is different with the Slovene characters; without any content and programme, even before they form a political party at all, guided opinion leaders place them on the pedestal of winners who will drive the fascists out of the country beyond the Alps.

After four (un)successful ones in the last decade, Robert Golob is the fifth neophyte from the Murgle laboratory. Yeah, it is that simple when you put ham in front of people and then they do not notice what is going on around them. But if you listen to him well (and you have not been able to ignore him lately, as there is enough of him everywhere), you are sure to wonder if he said anything concrete at all. When a man of common-sense walks around with his eyes open, Golob’s platitudes that the current government is fascist are suddenly dispelled. That is his current reach. And the final recognition that he will not work with Janez Janša. This means that he stood by the side of the exclusionary specimens from Kul, with which Tanja Fajon instantly lost the status of the main candidate for Prime Minister on the left. This is how the uncles from the background decided. And once again, the emperor turned out to be naked. Shameful malice never dresses those who have demonised the right-wing political pole or one man – the SDS president – for years and decades.

That the show is a complete success is not due to Golob’s exceptional abilities, but the fact that his performances are set and choreographed from the first to the last second. Rhetorically he is not the most talented, he repeats the same things, the transcripts of the performances reveal a hollowness. He does not even have to avoid direct questions from journalists, as they do not ask him anything that would put him in an awkward and uncertain position.

His salary cost the state 635 thousand euros

A typical example is salary. He says his last salary was 6,675 euros net. But this is a coordinated media manipulation, as he is no longer the CEO of GEN-I. How much he earned last year will have to wait for the annual report, which will be published only after the election. Judging by last year, he is not exactly “poor”: together with the prizes, his wallet contained around 214 thousand euros net, which means about 540,000 euros gross or about 635,000 euros of cost for the employer, which in this case is the state. This is much more than what is allowed by law. This was also acknowledged by the GEN Group, so the question rightly arises as to why the supervisors allowed the violation of the law and when the overpaid salaries will be returned. Well, you will not expect such journalistic questions from the media mainstream.

Milan Kučan also defended him. He was understood in a sense that if he earns a high income, he deserves it, even though it means breaking the law. Thinking typical of tribal morality: it is good when “ours” do it, it is bad when “yours” do it. And that Golob, according to Kučan, will not insist on running for Prime Minister, he will also accept the position of minister. How he knows this is not known, as Golob did not speak publicly. So much for jam and fingers. And it is not about Pečjak’s Martians being transported on a flying cigar, but about the real head of a deep country. Over the night, Golob has become the wish of the radical left, so it is an “allowed dreams” and goodnight fairy tales. And inviolability for most of the media around him, cooking such a political mess that it causes gastroenteritis to a normal person.

We can only hope that pre-flood tricks and manipulations with new faces (which they really are not at all) no longer work in humans. They no longer fall prey to the belief that this new face is not the new and more comfortable messianic sofa that replaced the old one. Know that these people only have a can opener in their pocket – they will come to you for cans.

Jože Biščak is the editor-in-chief of the conservative magazine Demokracija, president of the Slovenian Association of Patriotic Journalists and author of the books Zgodbe iz Kavarne Hayek, Zapisi konservativnega liberalca in Potovati z Orwellom. 


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