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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Achievements of the Golob’s Coalition – Part 23: They lie to themselves and to us

By: Dr Vinko Gorenak

Today in Slovenia, there is no longer any serious political analyst who would claim that the Golob’s Coalition government is doing well. More or less, everyone agrees that this government is one of the worst in the history of Slovenia, and everything indicates that it is not led by the supreme leader of the Golob’s Coalition, but rather by his partner, who has turned him into an ordinary “starlet”, as Aljuš Pertinač puts it. Just over ten years ago, Matej Lahovnik, in light of the poor leadership of the then-government of Borut Pahor, of which he was a member, asked: “Is the pilot still on the plane?”

I cannot overlook the famous and, of course, untrue, and deceitful statement by the head of the MPs of Gibanje Svoboda party, Borut Sajovic, who recently said: “The government is doing well, we (the coalition MPs, note) are doing well…” A statement that even chickens would laugh at if they could laugh, and also a statement for the history of political lies, not only in Slovenia but more broadly.

A typical example of the deceit of the Golob’s Coalition is also Aleksander Merlo. He is, of course, a well-known gynaecologist and obstetrician from Postojna, a former loyal soldier of the defunct LDS (Liberal Democracy of Slovenia), and supposedly now a member of the Gibanje Svoboda. The chief of Golob’s Coalition declared him the leader of the Gibanje Svoboda’s list for the European Parliament elections about a month ago. Poor Merlo supposedly had already been searching for his successor and informing his patients that someone else would take over, believing he would surely be elected in the European Parliament as the list’s leader. However, when they were confirming the final list, the supreme chief of the coalition brought Aleksander Merlo to the event in an official car. During the transport, he naturally did not tell him that he was not on the party’s list for the European Parliament anymore. It seems that not even the supreme chief of the coalition knew this, as it appears his starlet, Tina Gaber, composed the list in a way that simply threw Merlo off it. It could also be said that the chief of the coalition brutally discarded Merlo, “tossed him over his shoulder”, as he boasts himself in the case of political comrades he no longer needs. The real lie in this matter was uttered by Irena Joveva, who stated that she respects Merlo’s decision not to run, as if he had decided so himself and Tina Gaber had not rejected him. Of course, she is that former journalist who still in 2019 thought Brussels was in the Netherlands and not in Belgium. Well, lies in Golob’s Coaliton are abundant. So, let’s look at some more in the following.


According to official data, today in Slovenia, there are 150,000 people without a personal physician. The Social Democrats (SD), who are now members of the coalition assured us before the parliamentary elections in 2022 that they would ensure that all citizens have a personal physician and that the waiting time for diagnosis and specialist appointments would be at most 30 days. Of course, not only did the SD lie, but the chief of the coalition also lied, claiming that their top priority was healthcare reform. He also assured that they would significantly shorten the waiting lists. However, Golob’s coalition is now at odds with doctors because they do not want to increase their salaries, despite having committed to doing so in writing in 2023. Today, the chief of coalition is lying when he claims that the waiting lists have not increased but that there are more people in them. A statement worthy of a Nobel Prize for stupidity. The situation is even worse – through the biased reporting of left-leaning media, the coalition has turned doctors into ordinary criminals who are only concerned about their salaries, even though this is not true. However, it could be true that Austria is considering awarding a state decoration to the chief of the coalition, who has and will provide enough doctors for their country, as our doctors are leaving for the well-organised healthcare environment of Austria.

Tomaž Vesel, the former head of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia, who, outside of his job, earned around 200,000 euros annually from part-time work at the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) with Aleksander Čeferin. The Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (CPC) did not see anything wrong with this, might be the next victim of the lies of the chief of the coalition. He was declared “their” candidate for the future European Commissioner at the Gibanje Svoboda festival in Zbilje near Medvode. Vesel, of course, thought he was the coalition’s candidate, but it soon became apparent that neither the SD nor the Levica, as members of the coalition, were inclined towards this. And it might happen that ultimately, even the supreme chief of the coalition will throw in the towel following Marjan Šarec’s example and will try to jump into a commissioner’s position in Brussels with a golden parachute, and Tomaž Vesel will simply be “tossed over his shoulder”. The lies of the Golob’s coalition have material for a few more sequels, but let’s stop here. To be continued.


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