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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Threats against teachers common in Western Europe

A few weeks before the brutal murder of Samuel Paty, a teacher was also insulted in another French school. The circumstances are eerily similar to those preceding last Friday’s murder.

France was shocked by the brutal death of Samuel Paty, a teacher murdered by a Muslim terrorist for talking about free speech and showing his class pictures of the Muhammad cartoons published by the satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine, according to Breitbart.

The country nearly witnessed another similar tragedy in early October. According to the French La Depeche newspaper, students at the Pierre-Aragon primary school – in the commune of Muret – have threatened a teacher who talked about equal treatment for men and women as well as the principles of secularism, and how they relate to the wearing of the Islamic veil in public.

The teacher’s claim that France’s legal system provides individuals with more personal freedom than Saudi Arabia’s was disputed by two students, who argued that Sharia law was better and superior than the laws of the French Republic. The teacher said she was approached and confronted by a 16-year-old girl after class, followed by two boys who are said to have had a “heated exchange” with her.

After the teacher filed a complaint with the local gendarmes, six people, all minors, were arrested. A children’s judge indicted one of the minors earlier this week after the Toulouse minor prosecutor’s office decided to lay charges in the case. The student may face a 6-month imprisonment for abuse against a public servant who was carrying out their duties.

Since the brutal beheading of Samual Paty last week, French teachers have come forward about the rise of radical Islamist ideas in their classrooms. High school teacher Jean-Baptiste Jorda, who works in the no-go suburbs of Paris, said that when he showed his students footage of Pakistanis burning French flags in response to the republishing of the Muhammad cartoons, they all stood up and cheered, Breitbart writes.

Threatening teachers with decapitation is not a new phenomenon. In the UK children aged under 10 had already issued similar threats against their teacher.

Students with an immigrant background just can’t help themselves in Germany, either. There were cases where they directly admitted to have called their teachers Nazis.

Teachers in Sweden have also expressed concerns that such attacks could happen in their country.

Swedish teacher Olof Linton told Swedish state television (SVT) that the murder was in fact an attack on freedom of expression and could have happened anywhere in Europe – in Sweden, for example. According to the high school teacher in Stockholm, they have to be prepared for such attacks to happen, and it’s no longer a a question of if, but when. Linton also pointed out that teachers must continue to educate children and they must not bow to extremist ideologies.


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