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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Swedish Prime Minister: Migrant integration failed – gang crime out of control

By Elmar Forster

Pippi Longstocking multiculti failed
The admission of the socialist Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson resembles a declaration of bankruptcy for the left-wing Pippi Longstocking villa multicultural ideology – official government policy for decades. After the recent serious unrest, mainly unleashed by Islamic migrants, Sweden faces a bleak future of social unrest: Sweden would not have been able to “integrate the immigrants it has taken in over the past two decades, leading to development by parallel societies and gang violence.” (Andersson, April 28, 2022 – picture , vadhajtasok)

How dramatic the situation has now become can be seen in the ruthless self-criticism: extreme Islamism and the extreme right have “gained too much ground” in Sweden. The country would find itself in a continuing process of parallel societies. “We live in the same country, but in a completely different reality.” – says Andersson.

Helpless countermeasures by a weak state

The countermeasures to organized crime announced by the Prime Minister, namely intensified cooperation between social measures and the police, are precisely what has now turned out to have failed. The realization that minors should no longer be allowed to stay away from school in any case (!) without the consent of their parents (!) is also funny.

Severe multicultural mass unrest

In mid-April, a tsunami of violence shook Swedish society: more than 100 police officers were injured, some seriously, cars and even a school were set on fire… The violence broke out after an Islamophobic Swedish-Danish politician burned Koran books at demonstrations. Although an extreme political manifestation, it is permitted within the Swedish constitution. ( picture )

Multicultural Migration Reality

The number of Sweden’s population with a migration background has doubled in the last two decades to two million, which is one fifth of the population. But the very left-wing immigration policies of Andersson’s party, the Swedish Social Democrats, are responsible for this: they have been in power for 28 years in the last four decades, including the last eight years.

Simultaneously with immigration, integration was insufficient. “Society is not strong enough, the resources of the police and the social sphere are insufficient,” Andersson said.

Similar multicultural dystopias have existed in many places elsewhere: “Sexual offenses in German train stations: every second suspect is a foreigner.” ( picture )

Helpless countermeasures – Ideological criticism from Amnesty International

Meanwhile, Sweden (which faces parliamentary elections later this year) has tightened its immigration policy after taking in more migrants than any other EU country during the 2015 migration crisis.

But it is precisely this stricter immigration policy than in other Western EU member states that is countered by the pro-migration NGO Amnesty International, which Soros has infiltrated – with an almost absurd justification: the tightened migration policy would therefore further restrict integration and have a negative impact affect the human rights of migrants.

In the meantime, however, NGOs (infiltrated by the Soros refugee agenda), such as the Austrian migration “expert” Gerald Knaus, also recognize the drama of multi-cultural hotspots: “Sharp criticism of the government: ‘Refugees are not distributed by self'”.( picture ) — It seems that the pro-refugee activist Knaus (financed by Soros) has now at least eaten chalk: Knaus was one of those who polemicized the most against the Hungarian anti-refugee policy. (Here is my analysis on UM : “Is there a conspiracy against Hungary?”)

Historical oblivion of a de-intellectualized Antifa left – 376 AD: “Battle of Adrianople”

History has already gone through this scenario in its entirety – namely in the year 376 AD, in the battle of Adrianople, as a prime example of failed integration, at that time between the Roman Empire and the Gothic barbarians.

It is true that Rome had repeatedly been confronted with devastating incursions by hordes of foreign peoples for centuries… More than 750 years earlier it had survived the Gaul catastrophe [ i ] ( 387 BC) – proverbially become the threat of the Celtic general Brennus ” Vae victis!’ (‘Woe to the vanquished!’).Then survived the Cimbri and Teutonic invasions (113–101 BC). More than a hundred years later (9 AD) (after the destruction of three legions in the dark thicket of the Teutoburg Forest) Emperor Augustus lamented elegiacly in distant, sun-drenched Rome: “Varus, give me back my legions!” 80 years later the Limes was built against the pauperized Germans. Ultimately, everything remained ineffective: as early as the 3rd century AD, Germanic tribes invaded Roman territory again…

“The end of the old order” in the Roman Empire

…was unstoppable. The ominous question: “Why, however, did the rich, highly developed Roman civilization not withstand the pressure of poor, barbaric neighbors”? “Was it ‘decadence’, (a) society that had become comfortable in prosperity, that strived for the sweet life of the individual, but had nothing to oppose the vital and active Germanic hordes”? (demand)

The keyword is: failed integration “Manageable numbers of immigrants could be integrated. As soon as these exceeded a critical mass and were organized as independent groups capable of acting, the power structure shifted and the old order dissolved.” (Demand)

Today we are experiencing similar signs of dissolution in the post-Refjutschie-Crisis phase: when, for example, black hordes of Refjutschie-Bade hordes had to be evacuated several times because of riots. ( morning post )

Cataclytic Acceleration

From today’s perspective, Rome’s downfall may have happened in cataclyptic slow motion… The reason: the globalized accelerators of modern communication and transport technology were missing.

Measured against earlier processes of upheaval, however, Rome’s downfall also happened breathtakingly quickly: the Neolithic revolution (agriculture and animal husbandry, invention of pottery, sedentariness, large settlements) still encompassed a period of around 5000 years. Measured against the existing 2.5 million years of the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic (gathering and foraging), this cultural upheaval in relation to it took place in a ridiculous period of only 0.2%.

The collapse of the communist hegemon took place in a historical blink of an eye of almost 100 years (calculated since the October Revolution of 2017) In all likelihood, the current cataclyssis, the Refjuchie Crisis 15, will fall far short of this record… While the ancient migration of peoples lasted 200 years (i.e. about 10 generations), the demise of western postmodernism will take place in one or two generations.


The historical-historical part of this article is an excerpt from the book by Elmar Forster (summer 2022 in Gerhard-Hess-Verlag )

100 years: “Decline of the West” (Spengler) – K A T A K L Y P S E NOW: Deconstruction of the 1968 ideology

Political Correctness: Perverted Heresy of Primitive Christianity

Refjutschie-Crisis-2015: Postmodern gravediggers

Corona Crisis 2020: The Parting of Democracy – The Reign of Fear 

Ukraine-crisis-2022 : The West’s sudden memory – The father of all things: war


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