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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Survey: 69 percent of French people think there are too many immigrants in France

By Breizh Info

Immigration: According to a survey commissioned by LICRA, 69% of French people think there are too many immigrants in France.

69% of French people think there are too many immigrants in France, according to a study published on Friday, November 26 by Ifop/LICRA/Le DDV on “the extent and limits of the ‘zemmourisation’ of ghosts”.

The virtue league LICRA wanted to measure the influence of Éric Zemmour’s theses in public opinion, since his qualification for the second round of the presidential elections is within the realm of possibility: it is about whether the polemicist has won the battle of ideas on some of the issues – Islam, insecurity, immigration, first names, feminism – that are currently of great concern to the French.

For its journal, the DDV, the Ifop has developed a set of research tools based on an exceptionally large sample (4 500 people) and indicators from large surveys (CEVIPOF, CNDH…) and makes it possible to see how the values of the French have developed over the last ten years.

Here are some findings from the survey (which can be found here in full length), with very contrasting and sometimes even contradictory results.

As for the laws on remembrance of the past and restriction of freedom of expression, while 48% of respondents believe that “the laws commemorating the past prevent the freedom of historical research”, 88% support the Loi Pleven, which has been described by the Licra as a law that “punishes those who provoke racist hatred or racist violence through a means of public expression and pronounce racist insults”. 85% of respondents support the Gayssot Law (revisionism) and 77% the Taubira Law (slavery).

67% of respondents disagree with Eric Zemmour when it comes to banning foreign first names, but

  • 57% believe that “we are above all a people of the white race, the Christian religion and Greco-Roman culture”.

Immigration: The French don’t want them anymore.

  • 50% agree: “There is a people who replace another (…), who assemble the country third with (…) an Islamic civilization that replaces a people that has emerged from a Christian and Greco-Roman civilization for 1,500 years.”
  • 44% agree: “The practice of Islam is not compatible with France. Two civilizations cannot live on the same ground.”
  • 41% agreed: “Isolated [foreign] minors have no place here, they are thieves, murderers, rapists, that’s all they are!”
  • 55% agree with the sentence: “French people with a migrant background are more controlled than others because most drug traffickers are black and Arab… That is a fact.”
  • 69% think there are too many immigrants in France,
  • 62% believe that immigration is the main cause of insecurity,
  • 44% that the children of immigrants born in France are not really French.
  • 74% say that France is a country in decline,
  • 70% that it is a Christian country,
  • 68% that Islam is a threat, and
  • 67% that you no longer feel at home as you used to.

On the question of racism, it should be noted that

    • 17% of respondents describe as racists (including 13% of Mélenchon voters,
    • 16% of Macron’s voters and 44% of Marine Le Pen’s voters).

Justice: The French no longer believe in it.

As far as the judiciary is concerned, the survey is clear:

  • Like Eric Zemmour, 69% of respondents are of the opinion: “I do not believe that the perpetrators of violence against police officers receive very harsh punishments”.
  • 44% are in favour of reintroducing the death penalty.
  • 41% are of the opinion that “isolated [foreign] minors have no business here, they are thieves, they are murderers, they are rapists, that’s all they are!” and
  • 63% no longer feel safe anywhere.

Finally, while the LICRA is tying the women’s question with… of the LGBT question, two answers show that respondents do distinguish between the two.

  • 78% actually believe that women can embody power and
  • 17% believe that their role is primarily to have children and raise them, but
  • 57%, like Eric Zemmour, believe that “you have to stop submitting to the heinous orders of LGBT movements.”

Finally, in economic matters, we want to

  • 33% of respondents leave the euro.
  • 32% want to increase retirement.

This article was first published by BREIZH INFO, our partner in the EUROPEAN MEDIA COOPERATION.


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