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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Strasbourg builds Gigantic mosque

By: V4 Agency

“Go deep into the land of your enemy as far as you can,” the eponym of the gigamosque has been quoted as saying.

Construction of Europe’s largest mosque, Eyyub Sultan, with 44-metre high minarets and 28 domes is underway in Strasbourg. The 10 thousand-square-metre mega-complex will have a prayer room to accommodate 3 thousand worshipers, several conference rooms, a library, a restaurant, shops and a parking lot with a capacity for 600 cars.

While visiting the building site, Italian Northern League MEP Silvia Sardone said that there are already 22 mosques in Strasbourg, one only 2 kilometres from the Eyyub Sultan. As the MEP reported, erecting the mosque will cost 32 million euros – an amount she considers “particularly high” – several million of which are coming from the city of Strasbourg, on the direction of the Green Party mayor, Jeanne Barseghian.

“Obviously, the Greens think the citizens’ money should be spent on building mosques,” the politician noted, emphasizing that Giuseppe Sala, the mayor of Milan, is also a Green Party member.

Ms Sardone said the giga mosque is being financed primarily by Qatar and Turkey, but the project will also receive funding from Milli Gorus (CIMG), the Turkish Islamist religious association blacklisted by the German government. The Italian MEP emphasized that the Strasbourg mayor’s decision to support the mosque is “somewhat” peculiar in the least, as five people, including an Italian citizen, lost their lives in an Islamist attack in the city in 2018, she recalled.

Meanwhile, the French press reported that Milli Gorus revoked its petition for support from the municipality of Strasbourg as they had managed to collect more than 1 million euros in one night in a charity event. In a second fundraising campaign, they call on 1 million Muslims to donate 5 euros each from which they expect to amass another 5 million euros.

“Islamists will rule Europe’s capital. Political Islam is gaining ground in Strasbourg, this is the most dangerous,” Ms Sardona continued in her message. She believes that the mosque complex under construction “clearly expresses” France’s and Europe’s drift towards Islamism and an enabling of “funding by not so democratic countries” aimed at “making our continent more Muslim.”

The number of mosques is growing, preachers of hatred are pushing their way forward, and in some cities entire neighbourhoods are ruled by extremists, Ms Sardone explained, emphasizing the League’s constant criticisim of the “surrender Europe”. Unfortunately, the nightmare of Eurabia predicted by Italian journalist Oriana Falacci “is just around the corner now,” she added.



“Go deep into the land of your enemy as far as you can,” said one of the great figures of the siege of Constantinople, after whom the giant mosque is to be named.


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