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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Soros has his sights on the Senate

by V4 Agency

Although Republicans carry a majority in the US Senate, January’s runoff race could tilt the balance of power. It appears that US stock market specuator George Soros and his alies are doing their best to assist a turnaround in Democratic fortunes.

Despite the several apparent indications of fraud surfacing in conjunction with the US presidential race, it appears that George Soros will win the gamble he took; the stock market speculator has invested significant amounts into aiding Joe Biden who looks set to become the next US president.

However, Soros’s wheelings and dealings do not end here. The balance of power in the US Senate will be decided in January’s run-off elections and the 90-year-old tycoon is undoubtedly trying to exert influence on its outcome.

The January vote in the state of Georgia is significant  because it can determine whether the Senate will have a Democratic or Republican majority. At present, Republicans have the majority, with 50 seats to 48.

According to data recently released by the Black PAC, the organisation is spending just over 300,000 dollars to support Raphael Warnock and Jonathan Ossoff. The committee was set up with the aim to encourage black people to vote.

Black PAC has strong ties with George Soros’ political action committee called Democracy PAC.

According to the data, the organisation received at least 1.5 million dollars from Soros’s action committee.

Other entities affiliated with Soros also provide generous support to the organisation. The Senate Majority PAC, aligned with Chuck Schumer, the Democratic group leader of the US Senate, donated 1 million dollars. The Senate Majority PAC, in turn, received 8.5 million dollars from Soros’s network, which is no coincidence, as Schumer maintains a friendly relationship with the Soros clan.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund also took part in supporting Black PAC, giving the committee 2.2 million dollars. The Sixteen Thirty Fund doesn’t just appear on Democracy PAC’s payroll because – according to the Open Society Foundations website – it received 4.2 million dollars from OSF in 2018.


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