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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Most black Americans happy with police’s work

By: V4 Agency

A recent poll found that most black Americans have no problems with police. The findings are somewhat in conflict with the views propagated by the Black Lives Matter movement, which frequently calls for the abolition or at least the defunding of law enforcement agencies.

A recent representative nationwide survey conducted by CBS News and YouGov has asked 2,500 Americans for their opinion regarding the work of local police forces. According to the survey’s findings, 70 per cent of African Americans said law enforcement officers are doing a “very good” or “somewhat good” job. Only thirty per cent of black adults polled responded that local police were doing a “somewhat/very bad” job

The approval rating of police was also high among Hispanic respondents, at 77 per cent, with 22 per cent disapproving of the job done by local police departments. Considering white respondents, 82 per cent reacted positively toward the police departments’ work, while 18 per cent said they were “somewhat/very bad” at their job.

Overall, 79 per cent of those polled approve of local departments, while 21 per cent do not approve of the job they are doing.

Respondents were also asked several other questions. The survey found that the majority of those asked agreed with the jury’s verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the officer found guilty in George Floyd’s death.

The survey’s results regarding the authorities’ work is curious in light of the fact that the violent protests sweeping across the US over George Floyd’s death were largely driven by the Black Lives Matter movement. BLM demanded the abolition, or at least the defunding of police, saying those who fall victim to police violence are mainly black people.

Interestingly, this is not the first opinion poll to suggest that most Americans have no problems with police whatsoever. Oakland made headline news last year because of the growing number of murders, mainly in the impoverished districts. San Francisco Chronicle then concluded that the residents of districts inhabited by people of colour want an increased police presence in their neighbourhoods.

Budget cuts envisioned for police while residents want increased presence of law enforcement officers

The city has seen a rise in the number of homicides, yet police budgets are to be slashed. According to one portal residents would prefer a stronger police presence on the streets,…

The idea was also supported by a survey conducted by the local Chamber of Commerce. It revealed that 58 per cent of Oakland residents wanted to maintain or increase the size of the police force. Surprisingly, the survey showed that 38 per cent of black were also in favour of a more robust law enforcement presence, compared to only 27 per cent of white people.


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