Home World Syrian Army Discovers Cave where White Helmet Terrorists prepared Chemical Weapons

Syrian Army Discovers Cave where White Helmet Terrorists prepared Chemical Weapons

(Photo by EU Times)

More than a month has passed since the liberation of Khan-Sheikhun from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants.

The Syrian government initiated the restoration of the town’s infrastructure just after the siege was lifted. Although all the radicals have been destroyed or imprisoned, the traces of their activity are still visible.

First of all, this is a cave city discovered in the vicinity of Khan-Sheikhun. On September 16, the Syrian Arab Army officials arranged a tour for foreign journalists and correspondents to this location.

It turned out that the jihadists alongside the White Helmets ‘activists’ prepared chemical weapons provocation exactly in the cave.

Due to the fierce flashes, the militants fled in a hurry, having no time to cover the traces.






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