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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Horror: Paedophiles want to form their own party in the Netherlands – Part 1

By: V4 Agency

Paedophilia has often been trivialised, disregarded or treated with compassion in Western Europe. In the Netherlands paedophiles are calling for their own political party.

Turning a blind eye for years

In Denmark, a paedophile association was formally active for 19 years, from 1985 to 2004, but its website is still operating with currently active members. On 23 June 1996, the paedophile organisation had a registered membership numbering eighty, and even held an international conference in Denmark. The group also had ties with the International Pedophile and Child Emancipation (IPCE) organisation.

In 2000, a Danish TV documentary team went undercover to investigate the workings of the group. Members revealed how they exchange child pornography in secret online chat rooms and give each other advice on how to contact children.

The organisation was eventually disbanded in 2004, after the Danish daily Dagbladet published a proclamation calling for its dissolution.

In 2009, a French Socialist politician appealed to the president to dismiss Culture Minister Frederic Mitterand. It emerged that the minister admitted in his book published in 2005 that he paid boys for sexual favours in Thailand.

In his 2005 book “La mauvaise vie” (The Bad Life), Mitterand wrote about his painful childhood, his homosexuality and also his bad habit of utilising the services of boys in Thailand.

In the controversial sections of the book, Mitterand describes his visits to brothels in Thailand and Indonesia. He writes about the feverish excitement and guilt he felt when he gave money in return for sexual acts to boys whose ages he did not disclose in the book. As he wrote, “All the rituals of this market of youths, this slave market, excite me enormously The profusion of attractive and immediately available boys puts me into a state of desire that I no longer need to hide or check. Money and sex, I am at the heart of my system.”

It took four years after the publication of Mitterand’s book before the minister had to publically face the accusations of paedophilia, forcing him to start explaining himself on television. In a programme on France3, he denied allegations of paedophilia, arguing in his own defence that he was using the term “boy” loosely.

Several government members also spoke out later in defence of the politician. French Justice Minister Michele Alliot-Marie at the time praised her colleague saying he was a fine minister.

The case of Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who was accused of paedophilia some years ago, is also well known on the political scene. In a book published in 1975, the Green Party politician wrote how he had children unzip his trousers and stroke him. Later in a French programme he described an unfathomable erotic game he would play with a five-year-old girl.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit eventually managed to evade formal charges and investigation by denying what he stated earlier, saying he wrote the disturbing passages only for provocative effect.

Downplaying the gravity

Finland’s justice minister did not think it would be necessary to register paedophiles in the country. “Finland does not need to register paedophiles,” she said.

In 2013, then Justice Minister Anna-Maja Henriksson talked about the issue after she had criticised a Facebook page which published the photos of and personal information about people condemned by Finnish courts for sexual offenses against minors.

Although Facebook blocked the page, the maintaining group calling itself “Finnish Pedohunters” set up a new one with the same purpose and initiated the creation of an online register for people who have sexually abused minors, similar to the one used in the US.

After the minister found it problematic that “private individuals start their own registries of criminal offenders”, police launched an investigation into the group’s activity, and did not approve its registration as an official organisation.

In Germany, Sebastian Edathy, a member of the ruling Social Democrats’ leadership, was found to have bought videos of naked children from a Canadian dealer from 2005 onwards.

The former Bundestag member stored pornographic content of children and teens on his laptop, but he claimed he had done nothing illegal. Nevertheless, he moved to North Africa.

The paedophile MP seemed to have accomplices in the party who warned him of the secret investigation, enabling him to cover up his tracks. The Bunderstag’s investive committee thererfore also examined how many officials had known about the politician’s dealings.

Despite the disappearance of key evidence, the SPD politician had to stand criminal trial in the Verden district court.

In court, Edathy did not deny that he had bought pictures of naked boys, but justified it by saying that “there is a long tradition of male nudes, including children and youths, in art history.”

The pictures bought from Canada were not presented as evidence in that trial, but the Hannover prosecutor’s office charged Edathy of obtaining child pornography content through Bundestag computers and later transferring them to his business laptop.

An investigation by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung found that the videos had titles such as “Julian6yo” and “Victor6yo”, suggesting the children appearing in the videos were six years old. In addition, a video was found in Edathy’s apartment which the prosecution clearly classified as child pornography.

However, the main evidence in the case, an office laptop belonging to the Bundestag, had disappeared. Edathy reported its disappearance on 12 February 2014. He claimed that it was stolen while he went out for a smoke during a train ride. It’s important to note that the SPD politician was already aware of the charges brought against him by then, as his home had been searched two days earlier.

The case was eventually dropped, and the politician remained a member of the party, even though his membership was suspended.

In France, a convicted paedophile was elected mayor in Le Gosier, Guadeloupe in the local elections held at the end of June 2020. Cedric Cornet, 36, won the election with almost 50 per cent of the votes.

The new mayor had had his share of clashes with the law. In 2019, he was convicted for sexually abusing a minor under 15. He received a suspended prison sentence of two years, along with a fine of 16 thousand euros. He was also added to the database of sex offenders and violent offenders.

Do not treat paedophiles as criminals

One man convicted of paedophilia has been elected mayor while another, the former assistant of a child molester,…

French author Gabriel Matzneff‘s case is also worth noting.  The famed author openly wrote in his books about his relationships with minors, both boys and girls. Matzneff’s inclinations were widely known through his works, but everybody turned a blind eye on them, and he regularly appeared in the company of important people like former Frrnch President Francois Mitterand or the famous fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent.

However, things changed when the book of a girl abused by him was published earlier this year. Vanessa Springora was a minor when she met Matzneff and she now wrote about her experiences. This prompted a movement not unlike #metoo the French literary scene, after which he became a persona non grata in the country. He now lives a life of seclusion, hiding from the public eye.

Matzneff’s immediate circle, however, survived his fall. His former assistant Christophe Girard was included in the team of Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, who was re-elected in the local elections at the end of June. He will be Hidalgo’s deputy mayor for culture.

It has recently been revealed that Swedish Liberal MEP Fredrick Federley, who has been the deputy leader of Renew Europe’s EP group, lives with a paedophile.

The man who lives with the politician was convicted in 2014, after it was proved that he had committed 22 instances of aggravated assault, two counts of aggravated sexual assault, and six counts of sexual abuse against children. He also possessed child pornography.

The girls were between the ages of 6 and 9 at the time he repeatedly raped them. He was sentenced to nine years in prison but released in January 2020 after serving 6 years.

The press revealed that the liberal politician knew about his partner’s background, but turned a blind eye to it.

Authorities dumbfounded about paedophile manual

Dutch authorities discovered in 2018 that a nearly thousand-page-long manual describing how paedophiles can seduce unsuspecting children had been circulating on the dark web for at least ten years.

The manual was shared on a number of sites on the internet, but authorities were at a loss as to what to do against it. Distribution and possession of the material was not illegal in the Netherlands despite its evident danger. The horrific manual explains, for example, that only babies are safe victim because they cannot yet talk. 2-4-year-olds, however, are more problematic, because they cannot keep a secret.

Normalizálni akarják a pedofíliát
Efforts to classify paedophilia as normal

There are growing efforts to classify sexual relationship between adults and children as lawful and to provide explanations for paedophilia….

It stirred up even more ripples last year in the country, when host Danny Ghosen interviewed an openly pro-paedophilia activist on the Danny op Straat show. The activist refused to reveal his identity, he was only referred to as Nelson.

He admitted to being a paedophile, saying that he was attracted to 4-14-year-old boys. In his view, toddlers of a few years of age can decide whether they want ice cream, therefore they can also decide if they want sex. In addition, Nelson wanted to form a political party with the goal of legalising sex with children.


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