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Thursday, December 19, 2024

George Soros’s people to help Joe Biden’s transfer to power

By V4 Agency

George Soros has mobilised a fortune to make Joe Biden the next president of the United States. However, the role of the US stock market speculator does not end with the presidential race, as the former vice president’s transition team is fulll of people linked to Mr Soros.

George Soros did not leave the outcome of this year’s presidential race to chance. The US stock exchange speculator spent over 77 million USD on supporting organisations that helped Joe Biden.

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US stock market speculator George Soros prefers not to leave the outcome of the US presidential race on 3 November to chance….

Although the Democratic politician’s election victory was marred by a number of suspicious irregularities, Soros’s calculations appear to have paid off.

Biden’s agenda features several issues that are near and dear to the stock exchange speculator’s heart, from immigration and climate change all the way to reforming the judicial system.

Soros kottájából készül játszani Biden

Biden to sing from Soros’s hymn sheet

If Joe Biden officially becomes the next president of the United States, there is someone who will certainly benefit,…

Soros’s scheming, however, do not end with the presidential race, as several members of Joe Biden’s transition teams are cloely linked to the Open Society Foundations (OSF). Some come from organisations that are generously backed by George Soros. The former US vice president’s work is supported by Agency Review Teams. These teams are responsible for understanding the operations of each government agency, ensuring a smooth transfer of power for President-elect Biden on Day One.

Sarah Cross is part of the State Department’s transition team. According to OSF’s website, Cross works as Advocacy Director at the Soros foundation’s International Migration Initiative.

Michael Pan is a member of the United States Mission to the United Nations team. Pan also serves as a special advisor in the Executive Office at the OSF and, from 2009-2014, had a role in the Obama administration.

The team entitled Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is joined by Diane Thompson, an OSF Leadership in Government Fellow. She was previously assisstant director of the Office of Regulations at the Bureau.

Sharon Burke and Vivian Graubard are also assissting Biden, both as members of the Soros-funded New America organisation. The former is part of the Department of Defense transition team.

The latter is part of the Department of Labor transition team.

According to the OSF website, New America received more than 1.6 million USD in 2018 alone.

Also worth mentioning that one of Soros’s sons, Jonathan Soros, is also a member of the organisation.

Five members of the Center for American Progress were also recruited to the various transition teams as follows:

  • Jocelyn Frye (Department of Labor),
  • Kate Kelly (Department of the Interior),
  • Andy Green (Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, Banking and Securities Regulators)
  • Kelly Magsamen (National Security Council)
  • Ryan Zamarripa (Office of the US Trade Representative).

In 2018 George Soros’s foundation backed the Center for American Progress with 580 thousand USD.

Three members of the Center for Strategic and International Studies also gained places on Biden’s transition team, specifically reviewing the Department of Defense.

  • Kath Hicks,
  • Melissa Dalton,
  • Andrew Hunter.

In 2018, the Center for Strategic and International Studies received more than 200 thousand USD from the OSF. szervezetnek.

The Center for a New American Security, also a Soros beneficiary, has delegated four members to help Biden. They are:

Susanna Blume (Department of Defense),

Ely Ratner (Department of Defense),

Elizabeth Rosenberg (Department of Finance),

Kayla Williams (Department of Veterans’ Affairs).

In 2018, OSF paid 30 thousand USD to the Center for a New American Security.


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