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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Eva Vlaardingerbroek: “European compliance to state abuses”, part 1


Tucker Carlson interviewed pretty political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek on his Today show. Tucker amazes her with her description of a bizarre quota system for the skin color of concert-goers in the Dutch cultural scene and the open racism towards her by the media. She describes her search for the truth and how resistance from the system only made her more persistent; she always received unconditional support and strength from her family. The submission of Europeans to the tyranny of their governments upsets them.

Fox News is also increasingly becoming “Western television” in Europe. The following interview was held on July 18th. Recorded at Fox News Studio in 2022 and transcribed and translated by Unser Mitteleuropa, with more parts to come. A short trailer can be seen on Eva’s Twitter account.


Ultra-liberalism led her to radical rethinking

TC: Welcome to Tucker Carlson Today! Eva Vlaardingerbroek is a lawyer from the Netherlands, she is a legal philosopher. She was with us repeatedly in our evening show. We first met her in Hungary when we were shooting a documentary about Victor Orban. She’s in the United States now, she’s someone who was described by a Dutch newspaper as – we’re picking up now – the stylish face of the far right, so of course we wanted to meet her in person. And here she is. Nice to see you!

EV: Nice to see you! Thank you very much.

TK: I love that. And you’re a far-right maid.

EV: Well… a white man’s maid. It’s worse, and then princess of the extreme right, alas, I do not even know. So many strange things.

TK: Lots of insults to show they don’t like you. The media in your own country. Tell us who you are, where you are from, I want to hear it!

EV: I’m 25, I’m Dutch, I’m a lawyer like you said. Well, I’m a political commentator, the stylish face of the right wing, as they say, the far right is winning.

TK: Where did you grow up?

EV: I grew up near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, so very close to the capital.

TK: The most liberal city in the world.

EV: Yes, definitely. And I think that’s why I’m the way I am now.

TK: What did your parents do?

EV: Both my parents are in the classical music industry. So, very left, very liberal.

TC: Yes, of course. They disagreed.

EV: Which wasn’t always easy for her.

TK: How did you differ from everyone else?

Quotas by skin color for orchestra-goers

EV: I think both my father and mother appreciate western culture very much. Because obviously they are so close to her. The greatest things, western art, western culture has produced them. I think they just appreciate her for what she is. You see these new rules, these new… the way the government handles subsidizing orchestras or museums and whatnot, with all these rules about how many different genders you can have there. You know, when the city… all this weird new liberal, left -wing identity politics . They really resisted all of this.

TK: You register the skin color of the visitors ?

EV: Oh yes. Oh yeah. Not only the people playing, the musicians, but also the audience.
They’ll say you’re getting less money from our government funding. If you don’t reach a certain quota that you have to meet.

TK: In the audience?

EV: Oh yes. Yes / Yes.

TK: So it’s like the Nazis where they track everyone ‘s race ?

EV: They track your race , they track your gender , they track all of that, absolutely. That is also what I noticed in the public debate. Whenever they talked about me. They always have no trouble talking about my blue eyes and blonde hair when describing me. No, definitly not.

TK: I think we abandoned that after World War II when it was considered immoral for governments to track people’s genes and ethnicity . The Nazis kind of discredited that, that was my opinion growing up. That has changed. Apparently.

EV: That has changed. That has changed. And you can be very critical when it comes to white people. So when you talk about the whites being the Aryans. When you talk about minorities being at the top, that’s a good thing. So they talk about it too. Now it’s time for us to turn the tables. That’s right, it’s been done before.

Democracy in the Netherlands a show

TK: So you grew up in that environment. From a traditional American perspective, this is a conformist society. It’s not an attack, but there’s a lot of emphasis on working together and getting along with everyone. Same views. Is that right?

EV: No. I wouldn’t say that, although I think you can still say that about the Netherlands and seeing how people in my country talk about America and the American debate. It’s so polarized you know you only have two parties and there’s a lot more here if that’s democratic then it’s our country because we have – last time I counted I think we had 37 parties that were on the list to choose from. But I don’t think that’s the reality at all. In many ways, the debate in the US is even tougher and the opposition is less visible, less strong. In a way, I think the debate at home is even worse because it’s so… people have the idea that they’re in a fair balance,

TK: Because there are so many parties that give the illusion that there is a diversity of views . Most parties are all allied with each other. They form blocks.

EV: They form blocks. After the elections, all these arguments from the neoliberal parties will just be thrown out the window, it’s all just for show . They go hand in hand with the left, with its open borders and liberal policies. Of course we also have the European Union, and it makes most of the laws that we are subject to. And we can elect any of these people, they’re not all making all these laws for us. You tell us.

TK: Being governed by people you didn’t vote for is called democracy now?

EV: Yeah, oh yeah, they call it democracy. And people like me and people like you are a threat to democracy. For we are dissenting voices . This is of course her favorite way of dealing with us. They say you’re not, you know, not another voice in the debate, no, what you’re saying is a threat to democracy, is misinformation. And they use a lot of legal tools to take action against people like us. Because we don’t have a First Amendment.

TK: How is that to be understood? They don’t have a First Amendment.

Suppression of dissent in the education system

EV: Oh, you realize that very early on. I think I figured that out halfway through high school , when I started getting involved in things like the debating club. I thought I was a feminist because I read a book by a Somali woman, Ayaan Hirsi, who was circumcised or mutilated to be precise. Mutilated in general, and I thought, that’s horrible. There are cultures in the world that don’t treat women the way we treat them. So I’m not sure… I must be a feminist, thought my 16-year-old self. This is what feminists should fight against. And I found out very quickly that you weren’t supposed to talk about it in feminist groups. That the feminists in the media didn’t think wearing headscarves or mutilation was a bad thing. No, you as a white woman have no right to talk about it. So I think…

TK: You said that quite frankly?

EV: Of course, yes, I think I’ve been going to these kinds of clubs all my life, I’ve met feminists, I’ve also gone to university and I thought: Now it’s time for an academic, free debate , and in the first week I noticed that my teachers notice what you say, that’s not science. That’s just an opinion or that’s a dangerous view or thought. I think I just went from one disillusionment to the next.

search for the truth

TK: The people and the whole system you describe send the message to most people that it doesn’t work. If you don’t agree, just shut up, just stand in line.

EV: Yes.

TK: Because the consequences of being different are harsh. So why did you choose not to obey?

EV: I think every time I’ve endured that, every time I’ve noticed that the system is fighting back, that was more of an indication to me that I’m on the right track . And I’ve seen, and I think someone like you sees that all the time. They criticize you so much for things that… if you just list what they say, it’s actually the complete opposite of what they preach. They say: Oh, we want a lot of young women to come and speak up in the public debate. And that they take action, and that’s when I did it for the first time.

TK: They attack you because of the color of your skin.

EV: They say you’re an Aryan princess and you’re a right-wing extremist, we need… you’re a danger to society. And I was like, well, that can’t be right, so you’re right. What they do is send a clear message to the people. Only a few do this, they show you: We will do this with you. If you comment on things we don’t want you to comment on, we will pursue you. And that is a very clear example for other young people, or for anyone at all. You can take this path without being disciplined by the establishment. Yes.


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