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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Destruction of traditional family

By Andrej Sekulović

Family is a cornerstone of every healthy society, nation, and civilization. The general purpose of family is of course the continuation of one´s own lineage. Apart from child-raising, which must include both the soft touch of the mother and the stern and protecting hand of the father, the family also represents a strong intergenerational bond through which certain values, national consciousness, and the awareness of belonging to a specific community are passed down from parents to children. In the past, parents and grandparents would pass on to their children and grandchildren the moral values and traditions of their own ancestors, which gave the youngsters a feeling of belonging and of shared responsibility. Within this intergenerational chain old wisdom and a way of life, which connected a national community and society, were kept alive. Shared values and traditions are the pillars of every nation, besides ethnicity. And those pillars are built upon the unity of the traditional nuclear family.

Communist Manifesto and the Frankfurt School

Ideological successors of Bolsheviks and Communists want to completely erase every trace of old European values and traditions, and they are well aware that to do so they must attack the concept of a normal healthy family.  The destruction of the family means the destruction of the intergenerational bonds, which means that the Leftists can indoctrinate the children as they see fit. Karl Marx was well aware of this, and because of that, he advocated for the abolishment of the family in the Communist Manifesto. Later, the Frankfurt School took over the mission to destroy the family. When Hitler came to power in Germany, the Jewish intellectuals of the Frankfurt School fled Germany and went to the United States, where with the support of the international liberal elites, they established themselves as leading academics in various universities. The liberal elites helped them and supported their work and ideas because they likewise have interests that require the abolishment of a healthy family. From their newly acquired positions in U.S. educational institutions, they continued to spread cultural Marxism among the masses. Max Horkheimer, who took the position of the Director of the Frankfurt School in 1930, once stated: “The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” As this infiltration progressed, the attacks on the traditional family increased.

Indoctrination of children

Excessive individualism, promoted by the liberal ideologies, destroyed the feelings of responsibility and the awareness of the importance of family life. Because of that, we see more and more broken families and children who are left to themselves. Instead of their parents, they are being raised by television and computers. They are watching various modern sitcoms and movies in which parents are portrayed as naïve fools. The entertainment industry, which is also in the hands of cultural Marxists, is convincing children that they should not listen to their parents and teaches them that the values of their ancestors are “outdated” and irrelevant in modern times.  In most cases, parents are not aware that there is a hidden agenda of indoctrinating their children going on, since especially younger parents were also exposed to such indoctrination through the mainstream media when they were kids. Often they don’t mind that a part of their burden of raising children is taken over by television. On the other hand, many parents are leaving the upbringing of their children to the educational system, because of their other daily responsibilities, work, and so on. But the educational system is completely in the grip of cultural Marxists all across the West, and so children are learning in schools that there are many shapes and versions of families and that the family with two “mommies” or two “daddies” is equal to the normal family with mother and father.

Rebellion against the father

One of the chief representatives of the Frankfurt School Herbert Marcuse once said that the rebellion against the father is the rebellion against biologically legitimate authority. And that the assassination of the “father figure” destroys the order, which is of life importance to the community. With the aim of destroying the father role, the cultural Marxists supported radical feminism. While the first wave of feminism in the 19th and 20th centuries was mostly concerned with general women’s rights, the subsequent waves were in fact focused on the destruction of the family, which according to the feminists held women in bondage and imprisonment. Thus feminism bereaved women of their femininity and of true motherhood. Above all, it created a conflict between a man and a woman, which affected the institution of the family. Feminism today destroys the partnership between a man and a woman, which is needed for the healthy development of a child, as both sexes must play their different but equally important natural roles in his life.

Demographic goals

Aside from destroying cultural values, which were transmitted from generation to generation, another reason for the war against the family is connected with the primary goal of the family; reproduction. Aims of globalists, whose main weapon is cultural Marxism, is the creation of multicultural racially mixed Europe and the West. Besides importing hordes of third world migrants, they want to lower the white population, not only through miscegenation but also by creating conditions in which Europeans will have fewer children. According to demographic statistics they are slowly achieving their goal, and the lower birthrate among whites is partly the consequence of the war against the family, and of promotion of selfish individualism, because of which more and more Europeans chose their career instead of having a family, and many of them don’t even think about raising one before it’s too late.



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