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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Czech Prime Minister speaks about conflict and friendship in his new book


Andrej Babiš prides itself on thwarting migrant quotas and protecting families

In a newly published e-book entitled “Sdílejte, než to zakážou” (“Share it before it is banned!”) , Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš recalls his struggles since joining the Czech government in 2014 and talks about the friendships he made along the way. The book, written in a straightforward and unpretentious style, is characteristic of Babiš’s slightly eccentric and egocentric approach to contemporary history and politics that makes him so popular with some and unpopular with others.

The book begins by discussing the events surrounding the European migrant invasion in 2015 and how the European institutions tried to impose migrant quotas on member states. He mentions that, according to the Commission’s plans, in the first wave 120,000 migrants from the Middle East, who were concentrated in Greek and Italian camps, would be distributed among the member states, with the Czech Republic to receive in 1863. That number would have risen to almost 3,000 migrants within two years. According to Babiš, the EU’s plan was thwarted by the common position of the Visegrad 4 countries (V4): the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland.

He writes about Czech left-wing MEPs who “voted against their own country” by supporting migrant quotas and who even petitioned the Commission to punish the Czech Republic for rejecting these plans. The Commission had used the carrot and stick method against dissenters, attempting to intimidate them with infringement procedures on the one hand and to bribe them with subsidies for migrants on the other. They tried relentlessly to impose migrant quotas on member states, but their plans ultimately failed.

Babiš attributes this result to the V4 and mentions the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as the one who was particularly active in this struggle. He describes how the fight against illegal migration forged a friendship between the two politicians. Orbán had even contributed a few paragraphs of his own to Babiš’s book, recalling how Central European countries like his had come together against Brussels’ hidden plans to flood Europe with Muslim and African migrants. He calls his relationship with the Czech Prime Minister a friendship forged in battle and describes Babiš as an unusual politician who is not interested in messianic ideologies, but rather deals with simpler things like nation and family. Orbán believes current European politics is characterized by a watering down within the mainstream and obsessive political correctness where acts of bravery are rare. “Hungary and the V4 are lucky to have a courageous man at the head of the Czech Republic”, Orbán concluded.

The Czech PM recalls incidents in Western European countries that confirmed his worst fears about the migrant invasion. He mentions the massive sexual assault and acts of violence in Germany on New Year’s Eve 2015, when over 1200 women were attacked and robbed. He also commemorates two Czech victims of crimes related to migrants. The first was a sixteen-year-old Czech girl who was raped by a man who came by train from Germany. All because Europe ignores its borders, says Babiš. And those who argue that Czech perpetrators have also committed rape, he replies: I am talking about this girl and her suffering, which could have been completely prevented, if the protection of Schengen had worked. Babiš also remembers Naďa Čižmár, a Czech woman who was killed in the attack on the Berlin Christmas market in 2016 when a Muslim terrorist drove a truck into a crowd and killed twelve people. She left a five year old child.

In addition to a number of other topics, Babiš points out the problem of negative demographics in his country. “Children who are born now are different from us,” says Babiš, “they are freer and more open.” The average Czech woman has 1.7 children and would have to have more than two to stop the decline of the nation, where the average age of the population is currently 42.5 years. Babiš refers to the Hungarian model of family policy as a model that he wants to follow, namely tax breaks for families with children and help with mortgages or when buying a family car. Nevertheless, his government must go further than just financial incentives, he explains. Babiš’s goal is to create a system in which mothers with multiple children have a better chance of focus on their careers. Babiš suggests involving seniors, especially grandparents, who could play a central role in raising children, and he promises to achieve this through financial incentives. For parents who would prefer to stay with their children for the first few years, he points out the fact that in the Czech Republic women have a parental sabbatical of four years instead of just a few months as in most western countries.

Source: Remix News

The book in the original Czech language is available in EPUB, MOBI and PDF formats here :

A German translation created by UME is available here .


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