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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Another activist on Soros’s payroll joins choir attacking Poland and Hungary

By: V4 Agency

Politico has recently published an analysis calling on Joe Biden to join the forces that want to punish Poland and Hungary. The article was written by Daniel Benjamin, who is a member of US stock market speculator George Soros’s network.

During the election campaign, US President-elect Joe Biden spoke about Poland and Hungary at a public forum in Pennsylvania, decrying totalitarian regimes. In an analysis published recently by the international Politico newspaper, author Daniel Benjamin requested Biden to intervene in European politics and support the forces that seek to punish Poland and Hungary.

Mr Benjamin, who is the president of the American Academy in Berlin and a former official in both the Obama and Clinton administrations, is not simply a supporter of the Democratic Party, but he also has ties to George Soros’s network.

Before Benjamin was appointed as the head of the American Academy, he was a senior fellow in foreign policy studies and director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution.

According to the Open Society Foundations’ (OSF) website, the Brookings Institution has received significant financial assistance from the OSF:

  • nearly 300 thousand dollars in 2016,
  • and 225 thousand dollars in 2017.

In 2019, the Brookings Institution published a lengthy report that examined “illiberal states”. The report also included recommendations saying the United States should punish Hungary for expelling the Central European University, George Soros’s private university, from the country. Concerning Poland, it proposed that the US embassy in Poland should publicly speak out against the Polish government’s anti-migration statements, among other things.

In addition, Daniel Benjamin was also a senior official at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The website of Soros’s foundation reveals that the organisation received

  • 175 thousand dollars in grants in 2017, and
  • 208 thousand dollars in 2018.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies also analysed the situation in Hungary and Poland. In one analysis, the authors claimed that “democracy has been nearly dismantled” in the former country.

Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga responded to Daniel Benjamin’s article on Facebook.

“We could even call it comical that the press is proposing the use of American force against European countries. But we also know that, unfortunately, most politicians dread the power of the international liberal media and would rather follow their expectations if they want to remain popular in international politics,” she wrote. “Hungarian people will always defend Hungarian democracy against foreign attacks, and this will continue to be the case!” – JM Judit Varga added.


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