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Friday, October 18, 2024

Amnesty International urges action against Poland

By: V4 Agency

Amnesty International, the human rights watchdog linked to US stock market speculator George Soros, has called on the European Commission President to take action regarding an issue that has been refuted by authorities on multiple forums.

Although everyone denied the existence of LGBT-free zones in Poland, the flagship NGO of George Soros’s network appears unable to let go of the subject. In fact, Amnesty International did more: it called on European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to address the subject.

According to Amnesty, the so-called LGBT-free zones violate people’s fundamental rights and disregard EU treaties.

“President von der Leyen, it’s time for action,” the organisation wrote on Twitter.

However, the Soros-affiliated organisation continues to rally public sentiment against Poland, based on some fake news reports that had been debunked and refuted on numerous occasions.

In a newspaper interview back in October, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki categorically confirmed that there were no such zones, adding that certain Polish journalists were nonethless bent on spreading this falsehood abroad.

In recent months, the issue of LGBT-free zones has enjoyed widespread coverage by all of the world’s left-leaning press and media outlets. Responding to CNN’s erroneous article, the Polish Embassy in the US issued an official statement, saying the derogatory signs had been put out by an LGBT activist and not the local governments.

It was in fact activist Bart Staszewski who began to put out the signs in several Polish cities. Maciej Swirkski, the leader of the Polish League Against Defamation, saved the image and archived the entry as evidence for potential lawsuits against Staszewski. Mr Swirkski says although the activist is already the subject to two lawsuits, he keeps slandering Polish municipalities.

Staszewski is one of the leaders of the Obama Foundation in Poland, just like Zuzanna Rudzinska-Bluszcz, who has aspirations to become an Ombudsman and who was assisted in collecting the necessary signatures by Soros’s organisations.

George Soros to protect his influence in Poland

Adam Bodnar, a man with strong ties to US stock market speculator George Soros’s network, served as Poland’s Ombudsman for citizens’ rights in the past five years….

Amnesty International is constantly inciting against the Polish government, and has also been involved in the preparation of the LIBE report on Poland.

Soros-szervezetek jelentenek Lengyelországról II. rész
Soros organisations report on Poland – Part 2.

In the past few years the EU has used the rule of law concept as a weapon against both Poland and Hungary….

The organisation’s Polish branch has decided to leave the abortion law on its agenda. They write on Facebook that “abortion is a human right” and encourage everyone to sign the petition they have launched.

Apparently, the protesters are also being incited. In a recent post, Amnesty underlined that women have successfully fought for their rights in Argentina, Northern Ireland and South Korea.


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