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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A horror story: A single brief online consultation results in hormonal treatment for youth

By: V4 Agency

Based on a less than an hour-long video conversation, young people applying for gender change receive hormonal medications. The one-off definitive diagnostic practice causes outrage.

Practices of the GenderCare clinic in London caused outrage after it was revealed that one of their doctors was prescribing life-changing drugs at an alarming rate to young people considering a gender change.

One mother claimed her 18-year-old son was referred for an oestrogen prescription after a single online Zoom conversation with Dr Stuart Lorimer lasting just 55 minutes. She and the boy’s father had thought this virtual consultation was merely an initial exploratory step in a longer diagnostic assessment, but instead to their shock, their son was immediately given powerful medication to effect immediate physiological change. The boy’s parents were deeply disturbed by the hastiness of the diagnosis, describing the situation as downright awful.

Another mother related a similar instance involving her 18-year-old daughter, who was also prescribed a pharmaceutical with lifelong consequences after the initial online consultation. The mother finds it incomprehensible that the treatment decision was made based merely on the 18-year-old’s statement in a single video call, without further consultations with other doctors.

The GenderCare centre has received positive reviews and accolades on social media by youth embarking on gender transitioning. One “patient” expressed enthusiasm for being green-lighted for testosterone treatment after only two appointments at the clinic.

Gender ideology is gaining ground in Scotland, as well. According to local press, teachers are reporting parents who are less than supportive of their child’s transition to social services. The shocking phenomenon was described by The Christian Institute, among others, who pointed out that dozens of such reports had already been filed to the authorities.

The wave targeting parents may have been triggered by the pro-trans LGBT Youth Scotland organisation, which had earlier issued a guide to schools on how to treat transgender children. Among the guidelines, teachers were encouraged not to tell parents if their child had changed gender unless the child gave permission to do so. School staff were also advised to report parents who they deemed unaccepting of their child’s new gender to the authorities.

The practice appears to have been embraced by teachers in Scotland, as several authorities have already received reports regarding transgender pupils. Simon Calvert, The Christian Institute Deputy Director for Public Affairs, said it was unfathomable how schools could heed an LGBT activist organisation when it comes to the inherently sensitive issue of balancing children’s and parental rights. Calvert expressed outrage that parents were being reported to authorities based on the ideology of LGBT Youth Scotland.

A similar practice can be observed in New South Wales, Australia, as well. The leader of the national right-wing One Nation Party drew attention to the fact that the Teachers Federation disapproves of staff notifying parents of their child’s decision to transition. According to Mark Latham, teachers are told they could jeopardise the child’s well-being and safety at home, if parents are informed of the gender change.

Latham described the Teachers Federation as “mongrel bastards” for turning the power of teachers against parents to keep them in the dark about important issues concerning their own children. Parents no longer have any rights in schools, the politician pointed out in a post. Mark Latham also introduced a state parliament bill slated to prioritise parental rights and to ban the spread of radical gender ideology in classes.

Recently in Australia, a child was taken away from her parents because they failed to consent to her gender reassignment. In the case of the merely 15-year-old girl, the authorities deemed she had been subjected to mental abuse by her parents and was in imminent danger at home. They are now expected by the authorities to agree to their daughter’s testosterone treatment, according to her father


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