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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Who is destroying the foundations of the Slovenian rule of law – the culprit is a parallel mechanism

By: Peter Truden / Nova24tv

In the Republic of Slovenia, the rule of law is falling apart. It is true, however, that this should not be discussed by the proud heirs of the Communists, led by SD President Tanja Fajon, who are the main culprits of the break-up.

Diagnosis of the disease: Justice is a branch of the left ideology. Journalists are slaves to fellow capitalist owners who have judged that incompetent left-wing governments are best suited to their oligarchic business structures. Public institutions were inherited by a wolf disguised in a sheep of quasi-democracy of the CK ZK. The communist dictatorship gained democratic continuity.

Symptom: The rule of law is just a phrase. The Slovenian rule of law has been manifesting itself in actual first- and second-class status for years. We have already seen this when Zoran Janković’s auditory hallucinations in the pharmacist affair were deleted, even though it was a blatant abuse of law by the High and Supreme Courts, and when he was granted a 30-million write-off after creative moves. Deep state or the parallel mechanism, as it has recently been called, are working just as flawlessly as they did in 1989.

Scandalous court decisions

The Balkan Warrior affair is the next symptom. The Supreme Court judges, led by Branko Masleša, overturned the lawsuit of the lower court, which sentenced the members of the drug cartel to high prison terms, and returned the case for retrial. Dragan Tošić, a member of the organisation, which the penitent Anastazij Martinčić called “the strongest mafia in the world” at a court hearing, is thus on the loose. In derision of the rule of law. The evidence was so robust that no process would fail in any operational justice. Branko Masleša does not want operational justice.

The same Branko Masleša, who, among other things, was a judge in the senate, which sentenced a man to death during communism, felt again in October that the corona crisis was an excellent moment to make dreams come true and “fuck” Janša. His Supreme Court ruled that there was no legal basis for imposing misdemeanour sanctions for failing to wear protective masks in enclosed public spaces. Since then, covid-idiots, armed with a Supreme Court ruling, have been violating pro-corona measures. Masleša is assisted by six activists at the Constitutional Court who are persistently undermining any government measure to curb coronavirus disease.

On the rule of law in Slovenia

And in this land where criminals are released, political opponents are wrongfully imprisoned, corona-idiots are judicially strengthened, and local sheriffs are helped to evade justice, European political companions of the main culprits for the symptoms are convening plenary sessions of the European Parliament, at which they would like to discuss the rule of law and fundamental rights in Slovenia. Of course, there was no talk of underworld and politics-related justice. They did not talk about Mayor Janković, who founded his Kremlin sui generis in Ljubljana. There was also no talk of covid-idiots’ judgments of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts.

They talked about topics that fill mostly Slovenian headlines, but the average European does not even know about them. About the trivial appointment of delegated European prosecutors, which in the meantime, unfortunately for the Slovene Socialists, have already been appointed, and the financing of the STA – with which the government – again unfortunately the Socialists – has already signed an agreement on further financing. About the “sudden reduction of the Slovenian budget for the justice system” – a topic invented by Slovenian left-wing politicians and spread by the Slovenian media, although it is clear that the judicial system received exactly as much funding as it requested. European Commissioner Reynders pointed out the matter as a loyal reader of Večer, Delo and Dnevnik, or as if he had at least had an afternoon coffee with Tanja Fajon.

The topics were marginal and uninteresting to the public. More than obvious, they were intended for internal political confrontations in favour of the KUL opposition. That is why the parliament was half empty, and Delo’s Peter Žerjavič comically reported on “great interest”. In fact, it is old Slovenian political repetition, exported to Brussels in the hope that it will resonate until the elections.

“We are not radio Yerevan”

For the export-import operation to succeed, however, the parallel mechanism urgently needs reliable media led by public radio and television, backed by an injection of about 100 million taxpayers. That is why the RTV Slovenia team recently protested in front of Kolodvorska 2 under the leadership of Igor E. Bergant, a man who has always been surrounded by the spirit of the “RTV c’est moi” mentality together with his family. The messages were wrapped in cellophane – We are not radio Yerevan, Viewers will be harmed for quality content, Standards are being lowered, the Mission of public television is being curtailed. In fact, we all – both their left base and the right and middle ones we are doomed to pay – knew what they wanted: You will not take Studio City from us, you will not take Tanja Gobec from us, you will not take Globus from us, you will not take Ficus with totalitarianism and its shows from us, you will not take away the format of Dnevnik as a biased bulletin of left-wing parties and left-wing ideology.

They were also supported by a group of academics or extreme left social scientists ZRC SAZU. On behalf of ZRC SAZU, they wrote a letter in support of the collective of activists employed at RTV Slovenia. This is an abuse of the good name of SAZU, although they have practically nothing to do with it – which SAZU members have already warned them about in previous letters of support to far-left politicians and the media. The group of individuals, which is supposed to dedicate itself to scientific research, therefore expresses its support for the journalists of public RTV, who do not want changes in their indebted, outdated media. In the manner of representatives of the North Korean National Academy of Sciences, which sometimes writes letters to the popular media about the guidelines of a beloved leader, which they must adhere to. The RTV fortress needs to be defended. Namely, Brussels fairy tales would sound completely different at home with objective reporting.

The process in the shadow of the left sullying

While the Slovene KUL socialists in Brussels slandered their country by falsely claiming that the Janša government turned the country into de facto anarchy, in Slovenia the godfather of half of the KUL opposition Janković and his colleague Roman Jakič, also a high representative of the KUL member, are on trial due to allegations of damage to European funds and deception of banks in obtaining loans for the construction of Stožice. Both will be acquitted. We already know that. However, it is good that Brussels will also hear about this, so that they will know who is really destroying the foundations of the Slovenian rule of law.


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