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Thursday, December 19, 2024

What or which are the resounding results of non-governmental organisations from Metelkova 6, for the sake of which tens of millions of euros were taken from taxpayers?

By: Ivan Šokić / Nova24tv

For a long time now, the SD party has been organising some kind of online round tables, where various problems are usually discussed by members of the said party, stuck in a certain segment that depends on state money. This time, too, it was no different. Three non-governmental organisations and one trade unionist spoke on the topic “Development of non-governmental organisations and the self-employed in culture raises the quality of life of all of us”.

On November 22nd, 2021, the Social Democrats published a recording of the SD Expert Conference entitled “Development of NGOs and the self-employed in culture raises the quality of life of all of us”. The online conversation was attended by Tadej Meserko, expert leader of the Association, Denis Miklavčič, trade unionist of the Glosa Trade Union of Culture and Nature of Slovenia, Jurij Krpan, programme manager of the Kersnikov Institute and curator of the Kapelica Gallery, and Dr Iztok Šori, director of the Peace Institute. The conversation was moderated by former Minister of Culture Dejan Prešiček.

“We have been drawing attention to the plight of the self-employed in culture and non-governmental organisations for a long time,” SD president Tanja Fajon tweeted after the conversation. “Their situation worsened during the epidemic. The situation is acute. Long procedures, delays and more. Meanwhile, Minister Simoniti arbitrarily calculates and reduces the number of self-employed and non-governmental organisations.”

If Minister Vasko Simoniti succeeds in “reducing the number of self-employed and non-governmental organisations” by increasing funding for non-governmental organisations, as Fajon claims, then the Minister of Culture is a miracle worker. If we recall, the budget for 2021 of the Ministry of Culture under Simoniti’s leadership increased by 46 million euros. This is a record in the history of independent Slovenia. During Prešiček’s ministry, the budget for culture amounted to 162 million euros. During the ministry of Zoran Poznic, also from SD cadre, the budget for culture amounted to 172.8 million euros. During Simoniti’s ministry, the budget for culture reached 237.9 million euros.

Despite claims to the contrary by the opposition, the Ministry is convinced that the higher budget “will provide an additional boost to creativity and the start of more than a decade of neglected investment in culture.” There are optimists at the Ministry of Culture. They are not aware that the only thing that matters to freeloaders is how much of the cake belongs to them.

What did the non-governmental organisations at Metelkova 6 do for the people in the first place?

Prime Minister Janez Janša responded to Fajon’s claims. “Let’s list 10 resounding results in favour of people from non-governmental organisations from Metelkova 6, an army of the SD party, for which tens of millions of euros were stolen from workers, pensioners and entrepreneurs? Will it work?” the Prime Minister was interested.

Metelkova 6 is the address where, according to current information, more than 20 non-governmental organisations have their premises. These are: Centre for Slovenian Literature, Association FPS – Film Producers of Slovenia, Association NSK Information Centre, Association for Retro-Avant-Garde (Laibach), Association for Contemporary Dance of Slovenia, En Knap, Exodos Ljubljana, Forum Ljubljana, Gallus J. Carniolus, Institute for Sustainable development, Otok, Institute for the Development of Film Cultures, Kino Otok Festival, Maska, City of Women, Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture, Peace Institute, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Legal Information Centre of Non-Governmental Organisations – PIC, SCCA, Institute for Contemporary Art – Ljubljana , Sloga – a platform of non-governmental organisations for development cooperation and humanitarian aid, Škuc, the Gallus Foundation, Vertigo, the Vitkar Institute, and the Association of Slovenian Institutions – Foundations.

The premises are owned by the Ministry, and many of the listed organisations did not even pay rent for their use. Moreover, the order to vacate the premises at Metelkova 6 for the purpose of renovation, which was ordered during the SD’s control of the Ministry of Culture, was annulled.


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